Displaying 101 – 120 of 243

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Métriques kählériennes à courbure scalaire constante : unicité, stabilité

Olivier Biquard (2004/2005)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Un des problèmes les plus intéressants de la géométrie différentielle complexe consiste à comprendre les classes de Kähler de variétés complexes admettant des métriques à courbure scalaire constante. La question de l’unicité a été récemment résolue par Donaldson, Mabuchi, Chen–Tian. Des liens forts avec la stabilité algébrique des variétés ont été mis en évidence. L’exposé s’attachera à exposer les idées nouvelles qui ont mené à ces résultats.

Métriques riemanniennes holomorphes en petite dimension

Sorin Dumitrescu (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Nous étudions les métriques riemanniennes holomorphes sur les variétés complexes compactes de dimension 3 . Nous montrons que, contrairement au cas réel, une métrique riemannienne holomorphe possède un “grand” pseudo-groupe d’isométries locales. Ceci implique qu’une telle métrique n’existe pas sur les variétés complexes compactes simplement connexes de dimension 3 .

Metrizability of connections on two-manifolds

Alena Vanžurová, Petra Žáčková (2009)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

We contribute to the reverse of the Fundamental Theorem of Riemannian geometry: if a symmetric linear connection on a manifold is given, find non-degenerate metrics compatible with the connection (locally or globally) if there are any. The problem is not easy in general. For nowhere flat 2 -manifolds, we formulate necessary and sufficient metrizability conditions. In the favourable case, we describe all compatible metrics in terms of the Ricci tensor. We propose an application in the calculus of...

Metrization of connections with regular curvature

Alena Vanžurová (2009)

Archivum Mathematicum

We discuss Riemannian metrics compatible with a linear connection that has regular curvature. Combining (mostly algebraic) methods and results of [4] and [5] we give an algorithm which allows to decide effectively existence of positive definite metrics compatible with a real analytic connection with regular curvature tensor on an analytic connected and simply connected manifold, and to construct the family of compatible metrics (determined up to a scalar multiple) in the affirmative case. We also...

Metrization problem for linear connections and holonomy algebras

Alena Vanžurová (2008)

Archivum Mathematicum

We contribute to the following: given a manifold endowed with a linear connection, decide whether the connection arises from some metric tensor. Compatibility condition for a metric is given by a system of ordinary differential equations. Our aim is to emphasize the role of holonomy algebra in comparison with certain more classical approaches, and propose a possible application in the Calculus of Variations (for a particular type of second order system of ODE’s, which define geodesics of a linear...

Microlocal Approach to Tensor Tomography and Boundary and Lens Rigidity

Stefanov, Plamen (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C24, 53C65, 53C21.This is a survey of the recent results by the author and Gunther Uhlmann on the boundary rigidity problem and on the associated tensor tomography problem.Author partly supported by NSF Grant DMS-0400869.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 243