Displaying 161 – 180 of 192

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Four-dimensional curvature homogeneous spaces

Kouei Sekigawa, Hiroshi Suga, Lieven Vanhecke (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that a four-dimensional, connected, simply connected and complete Riemannian manifold which is curvature homogeneous up to order two is a homogeneous Riemannian space.

Four-dimensional Einstein metrics from biconformal deformations

Paul Baird, Jade Ventura (2021)

Archivum Mathematicum

Biconformal deformations take place in the presence of a conformal foliation, deforming by different factors tangent to and orthogonal to the foliation. Four-manifolds endowed with a conformal foliation by surfaces present a natural context to put into effect this process. We develop the tools to calculate the transformation of the Ricci curvature under such deformations and apply our method to construct Einstein 4 -manifolds. Examples of one particular family have ends which collapse asymptotically...

Fredholm theory and transversality for the parametrized and for the S 1 -invariant symplectic action

Frédéric Bourgeois, Alexandru Oancea (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the parametrized Hamiltonian action functional for finite-dimensional families of Hamiltonians. We show that the linearized operator for the L 2 -gradient lines is Fredholm and surjective, for a generic choice of Hamiltonian and almost complex structure. We also establish the Fredholm property and transversality for generic S 1 -invariant families of Hamiltonians and almost complex structures, parametrized by odd-dimensional spheres. This is a foundational result used to define S 1 -equivariant...

Free CR distributions

Gerd Schmalz, Jan Slovák (2012)

Open Mathematics

There are only some exceptional CR dimensions and codimensions such that the geometries enjoy a discrete classification of the pointwise types of the homogeneous models. The cases of CR dimensions n and codimensions n 2 are among the very few possibilities of the so-called parabolic geometries. Indeed, the homogeneous model turns out to be PSU(n+1,n)/P with a suitable parabolic subgroup P. We study the geometric properties of such real (2n+n 2)-dimensional submanifolds in n + n 2 for all n > 1. In...

Free loop spaces and cyclohedra

Markl, Martin (2003)

Proceedings of the 22nd Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

It is well-known that a based space is of the weak homotopy type of a loop space iff it is a grouplike algebra over an A -operad. The classical model for such an operad consists of Stasheff’s associahedra. The present paper describes a similar recognition principle for free loop spaces. Let 𝒫 be an operad, M a 𝒫 -module and U a 𝒫 -algebra. An M -trace over U consists of a space V and a module homomorphism T : M End U , V over the operad homomorphism 𝒫 End U given by the algebra structure on U . Let 𝒞 1 be the little 1-cubes...

From Euler-Lagrange equations to canonical nonlinear connections

Mircea Neagu (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

The aim of this paper is to construct a canonical nonlinear connection Γ = ( M ( α ) β ( i ) , N ( α ) j ( i ) ) on the 1-jet space J 1 ( T , M ) from the Euler-Lagrange equations of the quadratic multi-time Lagrangian function L = h α β ( t ) g i j ( t , x ) x α i x β j + U ( i ) ( α ) ( t , x ) x α i + F ( t , x ) .

From infinitesimal harmonic transformations to Ricci solitons

Sergey E. Stepanov, Irina I. Tsyganok, Josef Mikeš (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

The concept of the Ricci soliton was introduced by R. S. Hamilton. The Ricci soliton is defined by a vector field and it is a natural generalization of the Einstein metric. We have shown earlier that the vector field of the Ricci soliton is an infinitesimal harmonic transformation. In our paper, we survey Ricci solitons geometry as an application of the theory of infinitesimal harmonic transformations.

From Sasakian 3-structures to quaternionic geometry

Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Hiroshi Mori (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

We construct a family of almost quaternionic Hermitian structures from an almost contact metric 3-structure and also do three kinds of quaternionic Kähler structures from a Sasakian 3-structure. In particular we have a generalization of the second main result of Boyer-Galicki-Mann [5].

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 192