Displaying 41 – 60 of 206

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Equipping distributions for linear distribution

Marina F. Grebenyuk, Josef Mikeš (2007)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In this paper there are discussed the three-component distributions of affine space A n + 1 . Functions { σ } , which are introduced in the neighborhood of the second order, determine the normal of the first kind of -distribution in every center of -distribution. There are discussed too normals { 𝒵 σ } and quasi-tensor of the second order { 𝒮 σ } . In the same way bunches of the projective normals of the first kind of the -distributions were determined in the differential neighborhood of the second and third order.

Equitorsion holomorphically projective mappings of generalized Kählerian space of the first kind

Mića S. Stanković, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Ljubica S. Velimirović (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we define generalized Kählerian spaces of the first kind ( G K 1 N ) given by (2.1)–(2.3). For them we consider hollomorphically projective mappings with invariant complex structure. Also, we consider equitorsion geodesic mapping between these two spaces ( G K 1 N and G K ¯ 1 N ) and for them we find invariant geometric objects.

F -manifolds and integrable systems of hydrodynamic type

Paolo Lorenzoni, Marco Pedroni, Andrea Raimondo (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

We investigate the role of Hertling-Manin condition on the structure constants of an associative commutative algebra in the theory of integrable systems of hydrodynamic type. In such a framework we introduce the notion of F -manifold with compatible connection generalizing a structure introduced by Manin.

∇-flat functions on manifolds

Wojciech Kozłowski (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We investigate ∇-flat and pointwise-∇-flat functions on affine and Riemannian manifolds. We show that the set of all ∇-flat functions on (M,∇) is a ring which has interesting properties similar to the ring of polynomial functions.

Generalized Tanaka-Webster and Levi-Civita connections for normal Jacobi operator in complex two-plane Grassmannians

Eunmi Pak, Juan de Dios Pérez, Young Jin Suh (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study classifying problems of real hypersurfaces in a complex two-plane Grassmannian G 2 ( m + 2 ) . In relation to the generalized Tanaka-Webster connection, we consider that the generalized Tanaka-Webster derivative of the normal Jacobi operator coincides with the covariant derivative. In this case, we prove complete classifications for real hypersurfaces in G 2 ( m + 2 ) satisfying such conditions.

Geodesic mapping onto Kählerian spaces of the first kind

Milan Zlatanović, Irena Hinterleitner, Marija Najdanović (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In the present paper a generalized Kählerian space 𝔾 𝕂 1 N of the first kind is considered as a generalized Riemannian space 𝔾ℝ N with almost complex structure F i h that is covariantly constant with respect to the first kind of covariant derivative. Using a non-symmetric metric tensor we find necessary and sufficient conditions for geodesic mappings f : 𝔾ℝ N 𝔾 𝕂 ¯ 1 N with respect to the four kinds of covariant derivatives. These conditions have the form of a closed system of partial differential equations in covariant derivatives...

Higher order connections.

Eastwood, Michael G. (2009)

SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications [electronic only]

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 206