Displaying 201 – 220 of 313

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Existence of positive periodic solutions of an SEIR model with periodic coefficients

Tailei Zhang, Junli Liu, Zhidong Teng (2012)

Applications of Mathematics

An SEIR model with periodic coefficients in epidemiology is considered. The global existence of periodic solutions with strictly positive components for this model is established by using the method of coincidence degree. Furthermore, a sufficient condition for the global stability of this model is obtained. An example based on the transmission of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is included.

Existence of quasicontinuous selections for the space 2 f R

Ivan Kupka (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

The paper presents new quasicontinuous selection theorem for continuous multifunctions F X with closed values, X being an arbitrary topological space. It is known that for 2 with the Vietoris topology there is no continuous selection. The result presented here enables us to show that there exists a quasicontinuous and upper lower -semicontinuous selection for this space. Moreover, one can construct a selection whose set of points of discontinuity is nowhere dense.

Expansions of subfields of the real field by a discrete set

Philipp Hieronymi (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let K be a subfield of the real field, D ⊆ K be a discrete set and f: Dⁿ → K be such that f(Dⁿ) is somewhere dense. Then (K,f) defines ℤ. We present several applications of this result. We show that K expanded by predicates for different cyclic multiplicative subgroups defines ℤ. Moreover, we prove that every definably complete expansion of a subfield of the real field satisfies an analogue of the Baire category theorem.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 313