Displaying 261 – 280 of 838

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Some applications of the point-open subbase game

D. Guerrero Sánchez, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a subbase 𝒮 of a space X , the game P O ( 𝒮 , X ) is defined for two players P and O who respectively pick, at the n -th move, a point x n X and a set U n 𝒮 such that x n U n . The game stops after the moves { x n , U n : n ø } have been made and the player P wins if n ø U n = X ; otherwise O is the winner. Since P O ( 𝒮 , X ) is an evident modification of the well-known point-open game P O ( X ) , the primary line of research is to describe the relationship between P O ( X ) and P O ( 𝒮 , X ) for a given subbase 𝒮 . It turns out that, for any subbase 𝒮 , the player P has a winning strategy...

Some approximate fixed point theorems without continuity of the operator using auxiliary functions

Sumit Chandok, Arslan Hojjat Ansari, Tulsi Dass Narang (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

We introduce partial generalized convex contractions of order 4 and rank 4 using some auxiliary functions. We present some results on approximate fixed points and fixed points for such class of mappings having no continuity condition in α -complete metric spaces and μ -complete metric spaces. Also, as an application, some fixed point results in a metric space endowed with a binary relation and some approximate fixed point results in a metric space endowed with a graph have been obtained. Some examples...

Some cohomological aspects of the Banach fixed point principle

Ludvík Janoš (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let T : X X be a continuous selfmap of a compact metrizable space X . We prove the equivalence of the following two statements: (1) The mapping T is a Banach contraction relative to some compatible metric on X . (2) There is a countable point separating family 𝒞 ( X ) of non-negative functions f 𝒞 ( X ) such that for every f there is g 𝒞 ( X ) with f = g - g T .

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 838