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Seeking a network characterization of Corson compacta

Ziqin Feng (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We say that a collection 𝒜 of subsets of X has property ( C C ) if there is a set D and point-countable collections 𝒞 of closed subsets of X such that for any A 𝒜 there is a finite subcollection of 𝒞 such that A = D . Then we prove that any compact space is Corson if and only if it has a point- σ - ( C C ) base. A characterization of Corson compacta in terms of (strong) point network is also given. This provides an answer to an open question in “A Biased View of Topology as a Tool in Functional Analysis” (2014) by...

Selection principles and upper semicontinuous functions

Masami Sakai (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In connection with a conjecture of Scheepers, Bukovský introduced properties wQN* and SSP* and asked whether wQN* implies SSP*. We prove it in this paper. We also give characterizations of properties S₁(Γ,Ω) and S f i n ( Γ , Ω ) in terms of upper semicontinuous functions

Selection Theorem for Systems with Inheritance

A. N. Gorban (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The problem of finite-dimensional asymptotics of infinite-dimensional dynamic systems is studied. A non-linear kinetic system with conservation of supports for distributions has generically finite-dimensional asymptotics. Such systems are apparent in many areas of biology, physics (the theory of parametric wave interaction), chemistry and economics. This conservation of support has a biological interpretation: inheritance. The finite-dimensional asymptotics demonstrates effects of “natural”...

Selection theorem in L¹

Andrzej Nowak, Celina Rom (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

Let F be a multifunction from a metric space X into L¹, and B a subset of X. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of a measurable selector of F which is continuous at every point of B. Among other assumptions, we require the decomposability of F(x) for x ∈ B.

Selections and approaching points in products

Valentin Gutev (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The present paper aims to furnish simple proofs of some recent results about selections on product spaces obtained by García-Ferreira, Miyazaki and Nogura. The topic is discussed in the framework of a result of Katětov about complete normality of products. Also, some applications for products with a countably compact factor are demonstrated as well.

Selections and representations of multifunctions in paracompact spaces

Alberto Bressan, Giovanni Colombo (1992)

Studia Mathematica

Let (X,T) be a paracompact space, Y a complete metric space, F : X 2 Y a lower semicontinuous multifunction with nonempty closed values. We prove that if T + is a (stronger than T) topology on X satisfying a compatibility property, then F admits a T + -continuous selection. If Y is separable, then there exists a sequence ( f n ) of T + -continuous selections such that F ( x ) = f n ( x ) ; n 1 ¯ for all x ∈ X. Given a Banach space E, the above result is then used to construct directionally continuous selections on arbitrary subsets of ℝ × E.

Selections and suborderability

Giuliano Artico, Umberto Marconi, Jan Pelant, Luca Rotter, Mikhail Tkachenko (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We extend van Mill-Wattel's results and show that each countably compact completely regular space with a continuous selection on couples is suborderable. The result extends also to pseudocompact spaces if they are either scattered, first countable, or connected. An infinite pseudocompact topological group with such a continuous selection is homeomorphic to the Cantor set. A zero-selection is a selection on the hyperspace of closed sets which chooses always an isolated point of a set. Extending Fujii-Nogura...

Selections and weak orderability

Michael Hrušák, Iván Martínez-Ruiz (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We answer a question of van Mill and Wattel by showing that there is a separable locally compact space which admits a continuous weak selection but is not weakly orderable. Furthermore, we show that a separable space which admits a continuous weak selection can be covered by two weakly orderable spaces. Finally, we give a partial answer to a question of Gutev and Nogura by showing that a separable space which admits a continuous weak selection admits a continuous selection for all finite sets.

Selections generating new topologies.

Valentin Gutev, Artur Tomita (2007)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Every (continuous) selection for the non-empty 2-point subsets of a space X naturally defines an interval-like topology on X. In the present paper, we demonstrate that, for a second-countable zero-dimensional space X, this topology may fail to be first-countable at some (or, even any) point of X. This settles some problems stated in [7].

Selections on Ψ -spaces

Michael Hrušák, Paul J. Szeptycki, Artur Hideyuki Tomita (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that if 𝒜 is an uncountable AD (almost disjoint) family of subsets of ω then the space Ψ ( 𝒜 ) does not admit a continuous selection; moreover, if 𝒜 is maximal then Ψ ( 𝒜 ) does not even admit a continuous selection on pairs, answering thus questions of T. Nogura.

Selections that characterize topological completeness

Jan van Mill, Jan Pelant, Roman Pol (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that the assertions of some fundamental selection theorems for lower-semicontinuous maps with completely metrizable range and metrizable domain actually characterize topological completeness of the target space. We also show that certain natural restrictions on the class of the domains change this situation. The results provide in particular answers to questions asked by Engelking, Heath and Michael [3] and Gutev, Nedev, Pelant and Valov [5].

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 839