Displaying 21 – 40 of 182

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Ultra L I -ideals in lattice implication algebras

Ke Yun Qin, Yang Xu, Young Bae Jun (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We define an ultra L I -ideal of a lattice implication algebra and give equivalent conditions for an L I -ideal to be ultra. We show that every subset of a lattice implication algebra which has the finite additive property can be extended to an ultra L I -ideal.

Ultra L I -Ideals in lattice implication algebras and M T L -algebras

Xiaohong Zhang, Ke Yun Qin, Wiesław Aleksander Dudek (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A mistake concerning the ultra L I -ideal of a lattice implication algebra is pointed out, and some new sufficient and necessary conditions for an L I -ideal to be an ultra L I -ideal are given. Moreover, the notion of an L I -ideal is extended to M T L -algebras, the notions of a (prime, ultra, obstinate, Boolean) L I -ideal and an I L I -ideal of an M T L -algebra are introduced, some important examples are given, and the following notions are proved to be equivalent in M T L -algebra: (1) prime proper L I -ideal and Boolean L I -ideal,...

Ultracompanions of subsets of a group

I. Protasov, S. Slobodianiuk (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let G be a group, β G be the Stone-Čech compactification of G endowed with the structure of a right topological semigroup and G * = β G G . Given any subset A of G and p G * , we define the p -companion Δ p ( A ) = A * G p of A , and characterize the subsets with finite and discrete ultracompanions.

Ultrafilter-limit points in metric dynamical systems

Salvador García-Ferreira, Manuel Sanchis (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a free ultrafilter p on and a space X , we say that x X is the p -limit point of a sequence ( x n ) n in X (in symbols, x = p - lim n x n ) if for every neighborhood V of x , { n : x n V } p . By using p -limit points from a suitable metric space, we characterize the selective ultrafilters on and the P -points of * = β ( ) . In this paper, we only consider dynamical systems ( X , f ) , where X is a compact metric space. For a free ultrafilter p on * , the function f p : X X is defined by f p ( x ) = p - lim n f n ( x ) for each x X . These functions are not continuous in general. For a...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 182