Displaying 61 – 80 of 135

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Between closed sets and generalized closed sets in closure spaces

Chawalit Boonpok, Jeeranunt Khampakdee (2008)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

The purpose of the present paper is to define and study -closed sets in closure spaces obtained as generalization of the usual closed sets. We introduce the concepts of -continuous and -closed maps by using -closed sets and investigate some of their properties.

Beyond Lebesgue and Baire II: Bitopology and measure-category duality

N. H. Bingham, A. J. Ostaszewski (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We re-examine measure-category duality by a bitopological approach, using both the Euclidean and the density topologies of the line. We give a topological result (on convergence of homeomorphisms to the identity) obtaining as a corollary results on infinitary combinatorics due to Kestelman and to Borwein and Ditor. We hence give a unified proof of the measure and category cases of the Uniform Convergence Theorem for slowly varying functions. We also extend results on very slowly varying functions...

Biframe compactifications

Anneliese Schauerte (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Compactifications of biframes are defined, and characterized internally by means of strong inclusions. The existing description of the compact, zero-dimensional coreflection of a biframe is used to characterize all zero-dimensional compactifications, and a criterion identifying them by their strong inclusions is given. In contrast to the above, two sufficient conditions and several examples show that the existence of smallest biframe compactifications differs significantly from the corresponding...

Bi-Lipschitz Bijections of Z

Itai Benjamini, Alexander Shamov (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

It is shown that every bi-Lipschitz bijection from Z to itself is at a bounded L1 distance from either the identity or the reflection.We then comment on the group-theoretic properties of the action of bi-Lipschitz bijections.

Bi-Lipschitz embeddings of hyperspaces of compact sets

Jeremy T. Tyson (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the bi-Lipschitz embedding problem for metric compacta hyperspaces. We observe that the compacta hyperspace K(X) of any separable, uniformly disconnected metric space X admits a bi-Lipschitz embedding in ℓ². If X is a countable compact metric space containing at most n nonisolated points, there is a Lipschitz embedding of K(X) in n + 1 ; in the presence of an additional convergence condition, this embedding may be chosen to be bi-Lipschitz. By way of contrast, the hyperspace K([0,1]) of the...

Bilipschitz embeddings of metric spaces into euclidean spaces.

Stephen Semmes (1999)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

When does a metric space admit a bilipschitz embedding into some finite-dimensional Euclidean space? There does not seem to be a simple answer to this question. Results of Assouad [A1], [A2], [A3] do provide a simple answer if one permits some small ("snowflake") deformations of the metric, but unfortunately these deformations immediately disrupt some basic aspects of geometry and analysis, like rectifiability, differentiability, and curves of finite length. Here we discuss a (somewhat technical)...

Bilipschitz extensions from smooth manifolds.

Taneli Huuskonen, Juha Partanen, Jussi Väisälä (1995)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove that every compact C1-submanifold of Rn, with or without boundary, has the bilipschitz extension property in Rn.

Bimorphisms in pro-homotopy and proper homotopy

Jerzy Dydak, Francisco Ruiz del Portal (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A morphism of a category which is simultaneously an epimorphism and a monomorphism is called a bimorphism. The category is balanced if every bimorphism is an isomorphism. In the paper properties of bimorphisms of several categories are discussed (pro-homotopy, shape, proper homotopy) and the question of those categories being balanced is raised. Our most interesting result is that a bimorphism f:X → Y of t o w ( H 0 ) is an isomorphism if Y is movable. Recall that ( H 0 ) is the full subcategory of p r o - H 0 consisting of...

Bing maps and finite-dimensional maps

Michael Levin (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X and Y be compacta and let f:X → Y be a k-dimensional map. In [5] Pasynkov stated that if Y is finite-dimensional then there exists a map g : X 𝕀 k such that dim (f × g) = 0. The problem that we deal with in this note is whether or not the restriction on the dimension of Y in the Pasynkov theorem can be omitted. This problem is still open.  Without assuming that Y is finite-dimensional Sternfeld [6] proved that there exists a map g : X 𝕀 k such that dim (f × g) = 1. We improve this result of Sternfeld showing...

Binormality of Banach spaces

Petr Holický (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study binormality, a separation property of spaces endowed with two topologies known in the real analysis as the Luzin-Menchoff property. The main object of our interest are Banach spaces with their norm and weak topologies. We show that every separable Banach space is binormal and the space is not binormal.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 135