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Bochner's formula for harmonic maps from Finsler manifolds

Jintang Li (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let ϕ :(M,F)→ (N,h) be a harmonic map from a Finsler manifold to any Riemannian manifold. We establish Bochner's formula for the energy density of ϕ and maximum principle on Finsler manifolds, from which we deduce some properties of harmonic maps ϕ.

Bohr compactifications of discrete structures

Joan Hart, Kenneth Kunen (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove the following theorem: Given a⊆ω and 1 α < ω 1 C K , if for some η < 1 and all u ∈ WO of length η, a is Σ α 0 ( u ) , then a is Σ α 0 .We use this result to give a new, forcing-free, proof of Leo Harrington’s theorem: Σ 1 1 -Turing-determinacy implies the existence of 0 .

Boolean Rings that are Baire Spaces

Haydon, R. (2001)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

∗ The present article was originally submitted for the second volume of Murcia Seminar on Functional Analysis (1989). Unfortunately it has been not possible to continue with Murcia Seminar publication anymore. For historical reasons the present vesion correspond with the original one.Weak completeness properties of Boolean rings are related to the property of being a Baire space (when suitably topologised) and to renorming properties of the Banach spaces of continuous functions on the corresponding...


B. Banaschewski, A. Pultr (1996)

Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques

Booleanization of uniform frames

Bernhard Banaschewski, Aleš Pultr (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Booleanization of frames or uniform frames, which is not functorial under the basic choice of morphisms, becomes functorial in the categories with weakly open homomorphisms or weakly open uniform homomorphisms. Then, the construction becomes a reflection. In the uniform case, moreover, it also has a left adjoint. In connection with this, certain dual equivalences concerning uniform spaces and uniform frames arise.

Bootstrapping Kirszbraun's extension theorem

Eva Kopecká (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show how Kirszbraun's theorem on extending Lipschitz mappings in Hilbert space implies its own generalization. There is a continuous extension operator preserving the Lipschitz constant of every mapping.

Borel and Baire reducibility

Harvey Friedman (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that a Borel equivalence relation is classifiable by countable structures if and only if it is Borel reducible to a countable level of the hereditarily countable sets. We also prove the following result which was originally claimed in [FS89]: the zero density ideal of sets of natural numbers is not classifiable by countable structures.

Borel chromatic number of closed graphs

Dominique Lecomte, Miroslav Zelený (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We construct, for each countable ordinal ξ, a closed graph with Borel chromatic number 2 and Baire class ξ chromatic number ℵ₀.

Borel classes of uniformizations of sets with large sections

Petr Holický (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We give several refinements of known theorems on Borel uniformizations of sets with “large sections”. In particular, we show that a set B ⊂ [0,1] × [0,1] which belongs to Σ α , α ≥ 2, and which has all “vertical” sections of positive Lebesgue measure, has a Π α uniformization which is the graph of a Σ α -measurable mapping. We get a similar result for sets with nonmeager sections. As a corollary we derive an improvement of Srivastava’s theorem on uniformizations for Borel sets with G δ sections.

Borel extensions of Baire measures

J. Aldaz (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that in a countably metacompact space, if a Baire measure admits a Borel extension, then it admits a regular Borel extension. We also prove that under the special axiom ♣ there is a Dowker space which is quasi-Mařík but not Mařík, answering a question of H. Ohta and K. Tamano, and under P(c), that there is a Mařík Dowker space, answering a question of W. Adamski. We answer further questions of H. Ohta and K. Tamano by showing that the union of a Mařík space and a compact space is Mařík,...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 135