Displaying 81 – 100 of 868

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Čech complete nearness spaces

H. L. Bentley, Worthen N. Hunsaker (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study Čech complete and strongly Čech complete topological spaces, as well as extensions of topological spaces having these properties. Since these two types of completeness are defined by means of covering properties, it is quite natural that they should have a convenient formulation in the setting of nearness spaces and that in that setting these formulations should lead to new insights and results. Our objective here is to give an internal characterization of (and to study) those nearness...

Čech-completeness and ultracompleteness in “nice spaces”

Miguel López de Luna, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that if X n is a union of n subspaces of pointwise countable type then the space X is of pointwise countable type. If X ω is a countable union of ultracomplete spaces, the space X ω is ultracomplete. We give, under CH, an example of a Čech-complete, countably compact and non-ultracomplete space, giving thus a partial answer to a question asked in [BY2].

Čech-Stone-like compactifications for general topological spaces

Miroslav Hušek (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The problem whether every topological space X has a compactification Y such that every continuous mapping f from X into a compact space Z has a continuous extension from Y into Z is answered in the negative. For some spaces X such compactifications exist.

Cell-like resolutions of polyhedra by special ones

Dušan Repovš, Arkady Skopenkov (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Suppose that P is a finite 2-polyhedron. We prove that there exists a PL surjective map f:Q → P from a fake surface Q with preimages of f either points or arcs or 2-disks. This yields a reduction of the Whitehead asphericity conjecture (which asserts that every subpolyhedron of an aspherical 2-polyhedron is also aspherical) to the case of fake surfaces. Moreover, if the set of points of P having a neighbourhood homeomorphic to the 2-disk is a disjoint union of open 2-disks, and every point of P...

Cellularity and the index of narrowness in topological groups

Mihail G. Tkachenko (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study relations between the cellularity and index of narrowness in topological groups and their G δ -modifications. We show, in particular, that the inequalities in ( ( H ) τ ) 2 τ · in ( H ) and c ( ( H ) τ ) 2 2 τ · in ( H ) hold for every topological group H and every cardinal τ ω , where ( H ) τ denotes the underlying group H endowed with the G τ -modification of the original topology of H and in ( H ) is the index of narrowness of the group H . Also, we find some bounds for the complexity of continuous real-valued functions f on an arbitrary ω -narrow group G understood...

Cellularity of a space of subgroups of a discrete group

Arkady G. Leiderman, Igor V. Protasov (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a discrete group G , we consider the set ( G ) of all subgroups of G endowed with topology of pointwise convergence arising from the standard embedding of ( G ) into the Cantor cube { 0 , 1 } G . We show that the cellularity c ( ( G ) ) 0 for every abelian group G , and, for every infinite cardinal τ , we construct a group G with c ( ( G ) ) = τ .

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 868