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Gluing Hyperconvex Metric Spaces

Benjamin Miesch (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We investigate how to glue hyperconvex (or injective) metric spaces such that the resulting space remains hyperconvex. We give two new criteria, saying that on the one hand gluing along strongly convex subsets and on the other hand gluing along externally hyperconvex subsets leads to hyperconvex spaces. Furthermore, we show by an example that these two cases where gluing works are opposed and cannot be combined.

Group reflection and precompact paratopological groups

Mikhail Tkachenko (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

We construct a precompact completely regular paratopological Abelian group G of size (2ω)+ such that all subsets of G of cardinality ≤ 2ω are closed. This shows that Protasov’s theorem on non-closed discrete subsets of precompact topological groups cannot be extended to paratopological groups. We also prove that the group reflection of the product of an arbitrary family of paratopological (even semitopological) groups is topologically isomorphic to the product of the group reflections of the factors,...

Group Structures and Rectifiability in Powers of Spaces

G. J. Ridderbos (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We prove that if some power of a space X is rectifiable, then X π w ( X ) is rectifiable. It follows that no power of the Sorgenfrey line is a topological group and this answers a question of Arhangel’skiĭ. We also show that in Mal’tsev spaces of point-countable type, character and π-character coincide.

Groups associated with minimal flows

J. D. Lawson, Amha T. Lisan (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S be topological semigroup, we consider an appropriate semigroup compactification S ^ of S . In this paper we study the connection between subgroups of a maximal group in a minimal left ideal of S ^ , which arise as equivalence classes of some closed left congruence, and the minimal flow characterized by the left congruence. A particular topology is defined on a maximal group and it is shown that a closed subgroup under this topology is precisely the intersection of an equivalence class with the maximal...

Gδ -sets in topological spaces and games

Winfried Just, Marion Scheepers, Juris Steprans, Paul Szeptycki (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Players ONE and TWO play the following game: In the nth inning ONE chooses a set O n from a prescribed family ℱ of subsets of a space X; TWO responds by choosing an open subset T n of X. The players must obey the rule that O n O n + 1 T n + 1 T n for each n. TWO wins if the intersection of TWO’s sets is equal to the union of ONE’s sets. If ONE has no winning strategy, then each element of ℱ is a G δ -set. To what extent is the converse true? We show that:  (A) For ℱ the collection of countable subsets of X:   1. There are subsets...

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