Displaying 241 – 260 of 479

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Monotone retractions and depth of continua

Janusz Jerzy Charatonik, Panayotis Spyrou (1994)

Archivum Mathematicum

It is shown that for every two countable ordinals α and β with α > β there exist λ -dendroids X and Y whose depths are α and β respectively, and a monotone retraction from X onto Y . Moreover, the continua X and Y can be either both arclike or both fans.

n-Arc connected spaces

Benjamin Espinoza, Paul Gartside, Ana Mamatelashvili (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A space is n-arc connected (n-ac) if any family of no more than n-points are contained in an arc. For graphs the following are equivalent: (i) 7-ac, (ii) n-ac for all n, (iii) continuous injective image of a closed subinterval of the real line, and (iv) one of a finite family of graphs. General continua that are ℵ₀-ac are characterized. The complexity of characterizing n-ac graphs for n = 2,3,4,5 is determined to be strictly higher than that of the stated characterization of 7-ac graphs.

No arc-connected treelike continuum is the 2-to-1 image of a continuum

Jo Heath, Van C. Nall (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In 1940, O. G. Harrold showed that no arc can be the exactly 2-to-1 continuous image of a metric continuum, and in 1947 W. H. Gottschalk showed that no dendrite is a 2-to-1 image. In 2003 we show that no arc-connected treelike continuum is the 2-to-1 image of a continuum.

Non-additivity of the fixed point property for tree-like continua

C. L. Hagopian, M. M. Marsh (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate the fixed point property for tree-like continua that are unions of tree-like continua. We obtain a positive result if finitely many tree-like continua with the fixed point property have dendrites for pairwise intersections. Using Bellamy's seminal example, we define (i) a countable wedge X̂ of tree-like continua, each having the fpp, and X̂ admitting a fixed-point-free homeomorphism, and (ii) two tree-like continua H and K such that H, K, and H∩ K have the fixed point property, but...

Nonhyperbolic one-dimensional invariant sets with a countably infinite collection of inhomogeneities

Chris Good, Robin Knight, Brian Raines (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We examine the structure of countable closed invariant sets under a dynamical system on a compact metric space. We are motivated by a desire to understand the possible structures of inhomogeneities in one-dimensional nonhyperbolic sets (inverse limits of finite graphs), particularly when those inhomogeneities form a countable set. Using tools from descriptive set theory we prove a surprising restriction on the topological structure of these invariant sets if the map satisfies a weak repelling or...

Non-separating subcontinua of planar continua

D. Daniel, C. Islas, R. Leonel, E. D. Tymchatyn (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We revisit an old question of Knaster by demonstrating that each non-degenerate plane hereditarily unicoherent continuum X contains a proper, non-degenerate subcontinuum which does not separate X.

On a compactification of the homeomorphism group of the pseudo-arc

Kazuhiro Kawamura (1991)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A continuum means a compact connected metric space. For a continuum X, H(X) denotes the space of all homeomorphisms of X with the compact-open topology. It is well known that H(X) is a completely metrizable, separable topological group. J. Kennedy [8] considered a compactification of H(X) and studied its properties when X has various types of homogeneity. In this paper we are concerned with the compactification G P of the homeomorphism group of the pseudo-arc P, which is obtained by the method of...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 479