Displaying 361 – 380 of 479

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Open maps between Knaster continua

Carl Eberhart, J. Fugate, Shannon Schumann (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate the set of open maps from one Knaster continuum to another. A structure theorem for the semigroup of open induced maps on a Knaster continuum is obtained. Homeomorphisms which are not induced are constructed, and it is shown that the induced open maps are dense in the space of open maps between two Knaster continua. Results about the structure of the semigroup of open maps on a Knaster continuum are obtained and two questions about the structure are posed.

Ordered group invariants for one-dimensional spaces

Inhyeop Yi (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that the Bruschlinsky group with the winding order is a homomorphism invariant for a class of one-dimensional inverse limit spaces. In particular we show that if a presentation of an inverse limit space satisfies the Simplicity Condition, then the Bruschlinsky group with the winding order of the inverse limit space is a dimension group and is a quotient of the dimension group with the standard order of the adjacency matrices associated with the presentation.

Partitions of compact Hausdorff spaces

Gary Gruenhage (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Under the assumption that the real line cannot be covered by ω 1 -many nowhere dense sets, it is shown that (a) no Čech-complete space can be partitioned into ω 1 -many closed nowhere dense sets; (b) no Hausdorff continuum can be partitioned into ω 1 -many closed sets; and (c) no compact Hausdorff space can be partitioned into ω 1 -many closed G δ -sets.

Property of being semi-Kelley for the cartesian products and hyperspaces

Enrique Castañeda-Alvarado, Ivon Vidal-Escobar (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we construct a Kelley continuum X such that X × [ 0 , 1 ] is not semi-Kelley, this answers a question posed by J.J. Charatonik and W.J. Charatonik in A weaker form of the property of Kelley, Topology Proc. 23 (1998), 69–99. In addition, we show that the hyperspace C ( X ) is not semi- Kelley. Further we show that small Whitney levels in C ( X ) are not semi-Kelley, answering a question posed by A. Illanes in Problemas propuestos para el taller de Teoría de continuos y sus hiperespacios, Queretaro, 2013.

Pseudo-homotopies of the pseudo-arc

Alejandro Illanes (2012)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let X be a continuum. Two maps g , h : X X are said to be pseudo-homotopic provided that there exist a continuum C , points s , t C and a continuous function H : X × C X such that for each x X , H ( x , s ) = g ( x ) and H ( x , t ) = h ( x ) . In this paper we prove that if P is the pseudo-arc, g is one-to-one and h is pseudo-homotopic to g , then g = h . This theorem generalizes previous results by W. Lewis and M. Sobolewski.

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 479