Displaying 421 – 440 of 479

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Sur les rétractes absolus Pn -valués de dimension finie

Robert Cauty (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that a k-dimensional hereditarily indecomposable metrisable continuum is not a P k -valued absolute retract. We deduce from this that none of the classical characterizations of ANR (metric) extends to the class of stratifiable spaces.

The classification of circle-like continua that admit expansive homeomorphisms

Christopher Mouron (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A homeomorphism h: X → X of a compactum X is expansive provided that for some fixed c > 0 and every x, y ∈ X (x ≠ y) there exists an integer n, dependent only on x and y, such that d(hⁿ(x),hⁿ(y)) > c. It is shown that if X is a solenoid that admits an expansive homeomorphism, then X is homeomorphic to a regular solenoid. It can then be concluded that a circle-like continuum admits an expansive homeomorphism if and only if it is homeomorphic to a regular solenoid.

The fixed point property for some cartesian products

Roman Mańka (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is proved that the cylinder X × I over a planar λ-dendroid X has the fixed point property. This is a partial solution of two problems posed by R. H. Bing (cf. [1], Questions 9 and 10).

The fixed-point property for deformations of tree-like continua

Charles Hagopian (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let f be a map of a tree-like continuum M that sends each arc-component of M into itself. We prove that f has a fixed point. Hence every tree-like continuum has the fixed-point property for deformations (maps that are homotopic to the identity). This result answers a question of Bellamy. Our proof resembles an old argument of Brouwer involving uncountably many tangent curves. The curves used by Brouwer were originally defined by Peano. In place of these curves, we use rays that were originally defined...

The Freudenthal space for approximate systems of compacta and some applications.

Ivan Loncar (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we define a space σ(X) for approximate systems of compact spaces. The construction is due to H. Freudenthal for usual inverse sequences [4, p. 153–156]. We establish the following properties of this space: (1) The space σ(X) is a paracompact space, (2) Moreover, if X is an approximate sequence of compact (metric) spaces, then σ(X) is a compact (metric) space (Lemma 2.4). We give the following applications of the space σ(X): (3) If X is an approximate system of continua, then X = limX...

The generalized Schoenflies theorem for absolute suspensions

David P. Bellamy, Janusz M. Lysko (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to prove the generalized Schoenflies theorem for the class of absolute suspensions. The question whether the finite-dimensional absolute suspensions are homeomorphic to spheres remains open. Partial solution to this question was obtained in [Sz] and [Mi]. Morton Brown gave in [Br] an ingenious proof of the generalized Schoenflies theorem. Careful analysis of his proof reveals that modulo some technical adjustments a similar argument gives an analogous result for the class...

The Peano curves as limit of α-dense curves.

G. Mora (2005)


En este artículo presentamos una caracterización de las curvas de Peano como límite uniforme de sucesiones de curvas α-densas en el compacto que es llenado por la curva de Peano. Estas curvas α-densas deben tener densidades tendiendo a cero y sus funciones coordenadas deben de ser de variación tendiendo a infinito cuando α tiende a cero.

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 479