On the Homology of Finite Free (Z/2)n-Complexes.
Following a Bendersky-Gitler idea, we construct an isomorphism between Anderson’s and Arone’s complexes modelling the chain complex of a mapping space. This allows us to apply Shipley’s convergence theorem to Arone’s model. As a corollary, we reduce the problem of homotopy equivalence for certain “toy” spaces to a problem in homological algebra.
We calculate the singular homology and Čech cohomology groups of the Harmonic Archipelago. As a corollary, we prove that this space is not homotopy equivalent to the Griffiths space. This is interesting in view of Eda’s proof that the first singular homology groups of these spaces are isomorphic.
The homotopy category of Moore spaces in degree 2 represents a nontrivial cohomology class in the cohomology of the category of abelian groups. We describe various properties of this class. We use James-Hopf invariants to obtain explicitly the image category under the functor chain complex of the loop space.
We prove that for n > 1 the space of proper maps P 0(n, k) and the space of local maps F 0(n, k) are not homotopy equivalent.
The present article is devoted to the study of transfers for structures, their maps and homotopies, as developed in [7]. In particular, we supply the proofs of claims formulated therein and provide their extension by comparing them with the former approach based on the homological perturbation lemma.