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Hopfian and strongly hopfian manifolds

Young Im, Yongkuk Kim (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let p: M → B be a proper surjective map defined on an (n+2)-manifold such that each point-preimage is a copy of a hopfian n-manifold. Then we show that p is an approximate fibration over some dense open subset O of the mod 2 continuity set C’ and C’ ∖ O is locally finite. As an application, we show that a hopfian n-manifold N is a codimension-2 fibrator if χ(N) ≠ 0 or H 1 ( N ) 2

Hurewicz-Serre theorem in extension theory

M. Cencelj, J. Dydak, A. Mitra, A. Vavpetič (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The paper is devoted to generalizations of the Cencelj-Dranishnikov theorems relating extension properties of nilpotent CW complexes to their homology groups. Here are the main results of the paper: Theorem 0.1. Let L be a nilpotent CW complex and F the homotopy fiber of the inclusion i of L into its infinite symmetric product SP(L). If X is a metrizable space such that X τ K ( H k ( L ) , k ) for all k ≥ 1, then X τ K ( π k ( F ) , k ) and X τ K ( π k ( L ) , k ) for all k ≥ . Theorem 0.2. Let X be a metrizable space such that dim(X) < ∞ or X ∈ ANR. Suppose...

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