Displaying 81 – 100 of 106

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The cohomology algebras of orientable Seifert manifolds and applications to Lusternik-Schnirelmann category

J. Bryden, P. Zvengrowski (1998)

Banach Center Publications

This note gives a complete description of the cohomology algebra of any orientable Seifert manifold with ℤ/p coefficients, for an arbitrary prime p. As an application, the existence of a degree one map from an orientable Seifert manifold onto a lens space is completely determined. A second application shows that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category for a large class of Seifert manifolds is equal to 3, which in turn is used to verify the Ganea conjecture for these Seifert manifolds.

The generalized Boardman homomorphisms

Dominique Arlettaz (2004)

Open Mathematics

This paper provides universal upper bounds for the exponent of the kernel and of the cokernel of the classical Boardman homomorphism b n: π n(X)→H n(H;ℤ), from the cohomotopy groups to the ordinary integral cohomology groups of a spectrum X, and of its various generalizations π n(X)→E n(X), F n(X)→(E∧F)n(X), F n(X)→H n(X;π 0 F) and F n(X)→H n+t(X;π t F) for other cohomology theories E *(−) and F *(−). These upper bounds do not depend on X and are given in terms of the exponents of the stable homotopy...

The multiplicative structure of K(n)* (BA4).

Maurizio Brunetti (1997)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let K(n)*(-) be a Morava K-theory at the prime 2. Invariant theory is used to identify K(n)*(BA4) as a summand of K(n)*(BZ/2 × BZ/2). Similarities with H*(BA4;Z/2) are also discussed.

The S1-CW decomposition of the geometric realization of a cyclic set

Zbigniew Fiedorowicz, Wojciech Gajda (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that the geometric realization of a cyclic set has a natural, S 1 -equivariant, cellular decomposition. As an application, we give another proof of a well-known isomorphism between cyclic homology of a cyclic space and S 1 -equivariant Borel homology of its geometric realization.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 106