Displaying 181 – 200 of 558

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The Hochschild cohomology of a closed manifold

Yves Felix, Jean-Claude Thomas, Micheline Vigué-Poirrier (2004)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

Let M be a closed orientable manifold of dimension dand 𝒞 * ( M ) be the usual cochain algebra on M with coefficients in a fieldk. The Hochschild cohomology of M, H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝒞 * ( M ) ) is a graded commutative and associative algebra. The augmentation map ε : 𝒞 * ( M ) 𝑘 induces a morphism of algebras I : H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝒞 * ( M ) ) H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝑘 ) . In this paper we produce a chain model for the morphism I. We show that the kernel of I is a nilpotent ideal and that the image of I is contained in the center of H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝑘 ) , which is in general quite small. The algebra H H * ( 𝒞 * ( M ) ; 𝒞 * ( M ) ) is expected to be isomorphic...

The *-holonomy group of the Stefan suspension of a diffeomorphism

Andrzej Piątkowski (1993)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The definition of a Stefan suspension of a diffeomorphism is given. If g is the Stefan suspension of the diffeomorphism g over a Stefan foliation , and G₀ ∈ satisfies the condition g | G = i d G , then we compute the *-holonomy group for the leaf F g determined by G₀. A representative element of the *-holonomy along the standard imbedding of S¹ into F₀ is characterized. A corollary for the case when G₀ contains only one point is derived.

The homotopy dimension of codiscrete subsets of the 2-sphere 𝕊²

J. W. Cannon, G. R. Conner (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Andreas Zastrow conjectured, and Cannon-Conner-Zastrow proved, that filling one hole in the Sierpiński curve with a disk results in a planar Peano continuum that is not homotopy equivalent to a 1-dimensional set. Zastrow's example is the motivation for this paper, where we characterize those planar Peano continua that are homotopy equivalent to 1-dimensional sets. While many planar Peano continua are not homotopy equivalent to 1-dimensional compacta, we prove that each has fundamental group that...

The hyperKähler geometry associated to Wolf spaces

Piotr Kobak, Andrew Swann (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Sia G un grupo di Lie compatto e semplice. Sia O min la più piccola orbita nilpotente non-banale nell'algebra di Lie complessa g C . Si presenta una costruzione diretta di teoria di Lie delle metriche iperKahler su O min con potenziale Kahleriano G -invariante e compatibili con la forma simplettica complessa di Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau. In particolare si ottengono le metriche iperKahler dei fibrati associati sugli spazi di Wolf (spazi simmetrici quaternionali a curvatura scalare positiva).

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 558