Displaying 121 – 140 of 4976

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A generalization of Steenrod’s approximation theorem

Christoph Wockel (2009)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we aim for a generalization of the Steenrod Approximation Theorem from [16, Section 6.7], concerning a smoothing procedure for sections in smooth locally trivial bundles. The generalization is that we consider locally trivial smooth bundles with a possibly infinite-dimensional typical fibre. The main result states that a continuous section in a smooth locally trivial bundles can always be smoothed out in a very controlled way (in terms of the graph topology on spaces of continuous...

A generalization of Thom’s transversality theorem

Lukáš Vokřínek (2008)

Archivum Mathematicum

We prove a generalization of Thom’s transversality theorem. It gives conditions under which the jet map f * | Y : Y J r ( D , M ) J r ( D , N ) is generically (for f : M N ) transverse to a submanifold Z J r ( D , N ) . We apply this to study transversality properties of a restriction of a fixed map g : M P to the preimage ( j s f ) - 1 ( A ) of a submanifold A J s ( M , N ) in terms of transversality properties of the original map f . Our main result is that for a reasonable class of submanifolds A and a generic map f the restriction g | ( j s f ) - 1 ( A ) is also generic. We also present an example of A where the...

A geometric description of differential cohomology

Ulrich Bunke, Matthias Kreck, Thomas Schick (2010)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

In this paper we give a geometric cobordism description of differential integral cohomology. The main motivation to consider this model (for other models see [5, 6, 7, 8]) is that it allows for simple descriptions of both the cup product and the integration. In particular it is very easy to verify the compatibilty of these structures. We proceed in a similar way in the case of differential cobordism as constructed in [4]. There the starting point was Quillen’s cobordism description of singular cobordism...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 4976