Displaying 121 – 140 of 188

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Link homology and Frobenius extensions

Mikhail Khovanov (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We explain how rank two Frobenius extensions of commutative rings lead to link homology theories and discuss relations between these theories, Bar-Natan theories, equivariant cohomology and the Rasmussen invariant.

Link homotopy invariants of graphs in R3.

Kouki Taniyama (1994)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

In this paper we define a link homotopy invariant of spatial graphs based on the second degree coefficient of the Conway polynomial of a knot.

Link invariants from finite biracks

Sam Nelson (2014)

Banach Center Publications

A birack is an algebraic structure with axioms encoding the blackboard-framed Reidemeister moves, incorporating quandles, racks, strong biquandles and semiquandles as special cases. In this paper we extend the counting invariant for finite racks to the case of finite biracks. We introduce a family of biracks generalizing Alexander quandles, (t,s)-racks, Alexander biquandles and Silver-Williams switches, known as (τ,σ,ρ)-biracks. We consider enhancements of the counting invariant using writhe vectors,...

Link invariants from finite racks

Sam Nelson (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We define ambient isotopy invariants of oriented knots and links using the counting invariants of framed links defined by finite racks. These invariants reduce to the usual quandle counting invariant when the rack in question is a quandle. We are able to further enhance these counting invariants with 2-cocycles from the coloring rack's second rack cohomology satisfying a new degeneracy condition which reduces to the usual case for quandles.

Linking and coincidence invariants

Ulrich Koschorke (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Given a link map f into a manifold of the form Q = N × ℝ, when can it be deformed to an “unlinked” position (in some sense, e.g. where its components map to disjoint ℝ-levels)? Using the language of normal bordism theory as well as the path space approach of Hatcher and Quinn we define obstructions ω ̃ ε ( f ) , ε = + or ε = -, which often answer this question completely and which, in addition, turn out to distinguish a great number of different link homotopy classes. In certain cases they even allow a complete...

Linking and the Morse complex

Michael Usher (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

For a Morse function f on a compact oriented manifold M , we show that f has more critical points than the number required by the Morse inequalities if and only if there exists a certain class of link in M whose components have nontrivial linking number, such that the minimal value of f on one of the components is larger than its maximal value on the other. Indeed we characterize the precise number of critical points of f in terms of the Betti numbers of M and the behavior of f with respect to links....


Slavik Jablan, Radmila Sazdanović (2007)

Visual Mathematics

Lissajous knots and billiard knots

Vaughan Jones, Józef Przytycki (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We show that Lissajous knots are equivalent to billiard knots in a cube. We consider also knots in general 3-dimensional billiard tables. We analyse symmetry of knots in billiard tables and show in particular that the Alexander polynomial of a Lissajous knot is a square modulo 2.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 188