Finite presentations for the mapping class group via the ordered complex of curves.
We define finite type invariants for cyclic equivalence classes of nanophrases and construct universal invariants. Also, we identify the universal finite type invariant of degree 1 essentially with the linking matrix. It is known that extended Arnold basic invariants to signed words are finite type invariants of degree 2, by Fujiwara's work. We give another proof of this result and show that those invariants do not provide the universal one of degree 2.
We consider a contractible closure of the space of Legendrian knots in the standard contact 3-space. We show that in this context the space of finite-type complex-valued invariants of Legendrian knots is isomorphic to that of framed knots in with an extra order 1 generator (Maslov index) added.
Soit V une variété close de dimension 3. Dans cet article, on montre que les classes dhomotopie de champs de plans sur V qui contiennent des structures de contact tendues sont en nombre fini et que, si V est atoroïdale, les classes disotopie des structures de contact tendues sur V sont elles aussi en nombre fini.