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Mapping class group and the Casson invariant

Bernard Perron (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Using a new definition of the second and third Johsnon homomorphisms, we simplify and extend the work of Morita on the Casson invariant of homology-spheres defined by Heegard splittings. In particular, we calculate the Casson invariant of the homology-sphere obtained by gluing two handlebodies along a homeomorphism of the boundary belonging to the Torelli subgroup.

Minimal degree sequence for 2-bridge knots

Prabhakar Madeti, Rama Mishra (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We discuss polynomial representations for 2-bridge knots and determine the minimal degree sequence for all such knots. We apply the connection between rational tangles and 2-bridge knots.

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