Displaying 41 – 60 of 76

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On blowing up versal discriminants

Piotr Jaworski (1998)

Banach Center Publications

It is well-known that the versal deformations of nonsimple singularities depend on moduli. The first step in deeper understanding of this phenomenon is to determine the versal discriminant, which roughly speaking is an obstacle for analytic triviality of an unfolding or deformation along the moduli. The goal of this paper is to describe the versal discriminant of Z k , 0 and Q k , 0 singularities basing on the fact that the deformations of these singularities may be obtained as blowing ups of certain deformations...

On the Euler characteristic of the link of a weighted homogeneous mapping

Piotr Dudziński (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The paper is concerned with an effective formula for the Euler characteristic of the link of a weighted homogeneous mapping F : k with an isolated singularity. The formula is based on Szafraniec’s method for calculating the Euler characteristic of a real algebraic manifold (as the signature of an appropriate bilinear form). It is shown by examples that in the case of a weighted homogeneous mapping it is possible to make the computer calculations of the Euler characteristics much more effective.

Remarks on minimal round functions

Georgi Khimshiashvili, Dirk Siersma (2003)

Banach Center Publications

We describe the structure of minimal round functions on compact closed surfaces and three-dimensional manifolds. The minimal possible number of critical loops is determined and typical non-equisingular round function germs are interpreted in the spirit of isolated line singularities. We also discuss a version of Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory suitable for round functions.

Rigidity and gluing for Morse and Novikov complexes

Octav Cornea, Andrew Ranicki (2003)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We obtain rigidity and gluing results for the Morse complex of a real-valued Morse function as well as for the Novikov complex of a circle-valued Morse function. A rigidity result is also proved for the Floer complex of a hamiltonian defined on a closed symplectic manifold ( M , ω ) with c 1 | π 2 ( M ) = [ ω ] | π 2 ( M ) = 0 . The rigidity results for these complexes show that the complex of a fixed generic function/hamiltonian is a retract of the Morse (respectively Novikov or Floer) complex of any other sufficiently C 0 close generic function/hamiltonian....

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 76