Critical point theory with symmetries.
Existence results for critical points of asymptotically quadratic functions defined on Hilbert spaces are studied by using Morse-Conley index and pseudomonotone mappings. Applications to differential equations are given.
Dans ce papier, on définit, dans le cadre des algèbres graduées avec symétries la notion de cup -produit introduite par Steenrod dans [11]. En utilisant le cup 1-produit, on montre que la cohomologie associée à une algèbre graduée avec symétries est une algèbre de Gerstenhaber.
These notes give an introduction to the equivalence problem of sub-Riemannian manifolds. We first introduce preliminaries in terms of connections, frame bundles and sub-Riemannian geometry. Then we arrive to the main aim of these notes, which is to give the description of the canonical grading and connection existing on sub-Riemann manifolds with constant symbol. These structures are exactly what is needed in order to determine if two manifolds are isometric. We give three concrete examples, which...