Displaying 121 – 140 of 490

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The Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket on some functional spaces

Ivan Kolář, Marco Modungo (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Two fiber bundles E₁ and E₂ over the same base space M yield the fibered set ℱ(E₁,E₂) → M, whose fibers are defined as C ( E , E ) , for each x ∈ M. This fibered set can be regarded as a smooth space in the sense of Frölicher and we construct its tangent prolongation. Then we extend the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket to projectable tangent valued forms on ℱ(E₁,E₂). These forms turn out to be a kind of differential operators. In particular, we consider a general connection on ℱ(E₁,E₂) and study the associated...

The gap phenomenon in the dimension study of finite type systems

Boris Kruglikov (2012)

Open Mathematics

Several examples of gaps (lacunes) between dimensions of maximal and submaximal symmetric models are considered, which include investigation of number of independent linear and quadratic integrals of metrics and counting the symmetries of geometric structures and differential equations. A general result clarifying this effect in the case when the structure is associated to a vector distribution, is proposed.

The gaps in the spectrum of the Schrödinger operator

Haizhong Li, Linlin Su (2005)

Banach Center Publications

We obtain inequalities between the eigenvalues of the Schrödinger operator on a compact domain Ω of a submanifold M in R N with boundary ∂Ω, which generalize many existing inequalities for the Laplacian on a bounded domain of a Euclidean space. We also establish similar inequalities for a closed minimal submanifold in the unit sphere, which generalize and improve Yang-Yau’s result.

The garden of quantum spheres

Ludwik Dąbrowski (2003)

Banach Center Publications

A list of known quantum spheres of dimension one, two and three is presented.

The Gaussian measure on algebraic varieties

Ilka Agricola, Thomas Friedrich (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that the ring ℝ[M] of all polynomials defined on a real algebraic variety M n is dense in the Hilbert space L 2 ( M , e - | x | 2 d μ ) , where dμ denotes the volume form of M and d ν = e - | x | 2 d μ the Gaussian measure on M.

The general rigidity result for bundles of A -covelocities and A -jets

Jiří M. Tomáš (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let M be an m -dimensional manifold and A = 𝔻 k r / I = N A a Weil algebra of height r . We prove that any A -covelocity T x A f T x A * M , x M is determined by its values over arbitrary max { width A , m } regular and under the first jet projection linearly independent elements of T x A M . Further, we prove the rigidity of the so-called universally reparametrizable Weil algebras. Applying essentially those partial results we give the proof of the general rigidity result T A * M T r * M without coordinate computations, which improves and generalizes the partial result obtained...

The generalized de Rham-Hodge theory aspects of Delsarte-Darboux type transformations in multidimension

Anatoliy Samoilenko, Yarema Prykarpatsky, Anatoliy Prykarpatsky (2005)

Open Mathematics

The differential-geometric and topological structure of Delsarte transmutation operators and their associated Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko type eqautions are studied along with classical Dirac type operator and its multidimensional affine extension, related with selfdual Yang-Mills eqautions. The construction of soliton-like solutions to the related set of nonlinear dynamical system is discussed.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 490