Displaying 161 – 180 of 194

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Involutivity degree of a distribution at superdensity points of its tangencies

Silvano Delladio (2021)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let Φ 1 , ... , Φ k + 1 (with k 1 ) be vector fields of class C k in an open set U N + m , let 𝕄 be a N -dimensional C k submanifold of U and define 𝕋 : = { z 𝕄 : Φ 1 ( z ) , ... , Φ k + 1 ( z ) T z 𝕄 } where T z 𝕄 is the tangent space to 𝕄 at z . Then we expect the following property, which is obvious in the special case when z 0 is an interior point (relative to 𝕄 ) of 𝕋 : If z 0 𝕄 is a ( N + k ) -density point (relative to 𝕄 ) of 𝕋 then all the iterated Lie brackets of order less or equal to k ...

Involutivity of truncated microsupports

Masaki Kashiwara, Térésa Monteiro Fernandes, Pierre Schapira (2003)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Using a result of J.-M. Bony, we prove the weak involutivity of truncated microsupports. More precisely, given a sheaf F on a real manifold and k , if two functions vanish on SS k ( F ) , then so does their Poisson bracket.

Isometric immersions and induced geometric structures

D‘Ambra, G. (1999)

Proceedings of the 18th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

In the paper under review, the author presents some results on the basis of the Nash-Gromov theory of isometric immersions and illustrates how the same results and ideas can be extended to other structures.

Isometry invariant Finsler metrics on Hilbert spaces

Eugene Bilokopytov (2017)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we study isometry-invariant Finsler metrics on inner product spaces over or , i.e. the Finsler metrics which do not change under the action of all isometries of the inner product space. We give a new proof of the analytic description of all such metrics. In this article the most general concept of the Finsler metric is considered without any additional assumptions that are usually built into its definition. However, we present refined versions of the described results for more specific...

Isospectral deformations of closed riemannian manifolds with different scalar curvature

Carolyn S. Gordon, Ruth Gornet, Dorothee Schueth, David L. Webb, Edward N. Wilson (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We construct the first examples of continuous families of isospectral Riemannian metrics that are not locally isometric on closed manifolds , more precisely, on S n × T m , where T m is a torus of dimension m 2 and S n is a sphere of dimension n 4 . These metrics are not locally homogeneous; in particular, the scalar curvature of each metric is nonconstant. For some of the deformations, the maximum scalar curvature changes during the deformation.

Isospectral deformations of the Lagrangian Grassmannians

Jacques Gasqui, Hubert Goldschmidt (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the special Lagrangian Grassmannian S U ( n ) / S O ( n ) , with n 3 , and its reduced space, the reduced Lagrangian Grassmannian X . The latter is an irreducible symmetric space of rank n - 1 and is the quotient of the Grassmannian S U ( n ) / S O ( n ) under the action of a cyclic group of isometries of order n . The main result of this paper asserts that the symmetric space X possesses non-trivial infinitesimal isospectral deformations. Thus we obtain the first example of an irreducible symmetric space of arbitrary rank 2 , which is...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 194