Displaying 161 – 180 of 225

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Projectively flat Finsler metrics with orthogonal invariance

Libing Huang, Xiaohuan Mo (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study Finsler metrics with orthogonal invariance. By determining an expression of these Finsler metrics we find a PDE equivalent to these metrics being locally projectively flat. After investigating this PDE we manufacture projectively flat Finsler metrics with orthogonal invariance in terms of error functions.

Prolongation of linear semibasic tangent valued forms to product preserving gauge bundles of vector bundles.

Wlodzimierz M. Mikulski (2006)

Extracta Mathematicae

Let A be a Weil algebra and V be an A-module with dimR V < ∞. Let E → M be a vector bundle and let TA,VE → TAM be the vector bundle corresponding to (A,V). We construct canonically a linear semibasic tangent valued p-form TA,Vφ : TA,V E → ΛpT*TAM ⊗­TAM TTA,VE on TA,VE → TAM from a linear semibasic tangent valued p-form φ : E → ΛpT*M ⊗­ TE on E → M. For the Frolicher-Nijenhuis bracket we prove that [[TA,Vφ, TA,Vψ]] = TA,V ([[φ,ψ]]) for any linear semibasic tangent valued p- and q-forms φ and...

Prolongation of pairs of connections into connections on vertical bundles

Miroslav Doupovec, Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (2005)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let F be a natural bundle. We introduce the geometrical construction transforming two general connections into a general connection on the F -vertical bundle. Then we determine all natural operators of this type and we generalize the result by IK̇olář and the second author on the prolongation of connections to F -vertical bundles. We also present some examples and applications.

Prolongation of Poisson 2 -form on Weil bundles

Norbert Mahoungou Moukala, Basile Guy Richard Bossoto (2016)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, M denotes a smooth manifold of dimension n , A a Weil algebra and M A the associated Weil bundle. When ( M , ω M ) is a Poisson manifold with 2 -form ω M , we construct the 2 -Poisson form ω M A A , prolongation on M A of the 2 -Poisson form ω M . We give a necessary and sufficient condition for that M A be an A -Poisson manifold.

Prolongation of projectable tangent valued forms

Antonella Cabras, Ivan Kolář (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

First we deduce some general properties of product preserving bundle functors on the category of fibered manifolds. Then we study the prolongation of projectable tangent valued forms with respect to these functors and describe the complete lift of the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket. We also present the coordinate formula for composition of semiholonomic jets.

Prolongation of second order connections to vertical Weil bundles

Antonella Cabras, Ivan Kolář (2001)

Archivum Mathematicum

We study systematically the prolongation of second order connections in the sense of C. Ehresmann from a fibered manifold into its vertical bundle determined by a Weil algebra A . In certain situations we deduce new properties of the prolongation of first order connections. Our original tool is a general concept of a B -field for another Weil algebra B and of its A -prolongation.

Prolongation of tangent valued forms to Weil bundles

Antonella Cabras, Ivan Kolář (1995)

Archivum Mathematicum

We prove that the so-called complete lifting of tangent valued forms from a manifold M to an arbitrary Weil bundle over M preserves the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket. We also deduce that the complete lifts of connections are torsion-free in the sense of M. Modugno and the second author.

Prolongation of vector fields to jet bundles

Kolář, Ivan, Slovák, Jan (1990)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] In this interesting paper the authors show that all natural operators transforming every projectable vector field on a fibered manifold Y into a vector field on its r-th prolongation J r Y are the constant multiples of the flow operator. Then they deduce an analogous result for the natural operators transforming every vector field on a manifold M into a vector field on any bundle of contact elements over M.

Prolongement des solutions holomorphes de problèmes aux limites

André Martinez (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article, on démontre, par des techniques d’analyse microlocale analytique, un résultat local de prolongement holomorphe pour les solutions de problèmes aux limites. Afin de minimiser le domaine dans lequel on suppose holomorphes au départ ces solutions, un résultat préliminaire de prolongement pour les solutions d’équations aux dérivées partielles a été obtenu, par la technique des déformations non caractéristiques, utilisant un théorème de Zerner dont on donne ici une nouvelle démonstration....

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 225