-convexity and duality for almost summing operators.
In this note I present the main results about the quantitative and qualitative propagation of chaos for the Boltzmann-Kac system obtained in collaboration with C. Mouhot in [33] which gives a possible answer to some questions formulated by Kac in [25]. We also present some related recent results about Kac’s chaos and Kac’s program obtained in [34, 23, 13] by K. Carrapatoso, M. Hauray, C. Mouhot, B. Wennberg and myself.
A new sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability of a locally Lipschitzian Markov semigroup acting on the space of signed measures is proved. This criterion is applied to the semigroup of Markov operators generated by a Poisson driven stochastic differential equation.
We study Karhunen-Loève expansions of the process(X t(α))t∈[0,T) given by the stochastic differential equation , with the initial condition X 0(α) = 0, where α > 0, T ∈ (0, ∞), and (B t)t≥0 is a standard Wiener process. This process is called an α-Wiener bridge or a scaled Brownian bridge, and in the special case of α = 1 the usual Wiener bridge. We present weighted and unweighted Karhunen-Loève expansions of X (α). As applications, we calculate the Laplace transform and the distribution function...
This paper proposes a stochastic diffusion model for the spread of a susceptible-infective-removed Kermack–McKendric epidemic (M1) in a population which size is a martingale that solves the Engelbert–Schmidt stochastic differential equation (). The model is given by the stochastic differential equation (M2) or equivalently by the ordinary differential equation (M3) whose coefficients depend on the size . Theorems on a unique strong and weak existence of the solution to (M2) are proved and computer...
It turns out that for standard kernel estimators no inequality like that of Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz can be constructed, and as a result it is impossible to answer the question of how many observations are needed to guarantee a prescribed level of accuracy of the estimator. A remedy is to adapt the bandwidth to the sample at hand.
Classes of strings (infinite sequences resp.) with a specific flow of Kolmogorov complexity are introduced. Namely, lower bounds of Kolmogorov complexity are prescribed to strings (initial segments of infinite sequences resp.) of specified lengths. Dependence of probabilities of the classes on lower bounds of Kolmogorov complexity is the main theme of the paper. Conditions are found under which the probabilities of the classes of the strings are close to one. Similarly, conditions are derived under...
An attempt to formalize heuristic concepts like strings (sequences resp.) “typical” for a probability measure is stated in the paper. Both generating and testing of such strings is considered. Kolmogorov complexity theory is used as a tool. Classes of strings “typical” for a given probability measure are introduced. It is shown that no pseudorandom generator can produce long strings from the classes. The time complexity of pseudorandom generators with oracles capable to recognize “typical” strings...
We consider a stochastic process which solves an equation where and are real matrices and is a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter . The Kolmogorov backward equation for the function is derived and exponential convergence of probability distributions of solutions to the limit measure is established.
This work is concerned with the existence and regularity of solutions to the Neumann problem associated with a Ornstein–Uhlenbeck operator on a bounded and smooth convex set K of a Hilbert space H. This problem is related to the reflection problem associated with a stochastic differential equation in K.
We consider the continuous model of log-infinitely divisible multifractal random measures (MRM) introduced in [E. Bacry et al. Comm. Math. Phys. 236 (2003) 449–475]. If M is a non degenerate multifractal measure with associated metric ρ(x,y) = M([x,y]) and structure function ζ, we show that we have the following relation between the (Euclidian) Hausdorff dimension dimH of a measurable set K and the Hausdorff dimension dimHρ with respect to ρ of the same set: ζ(dimHρ(K)) = dimH(K). Our results can...
We consider the continuous model of log-infinitely divisible multifractal random measures (MRM) introduced in [E. Bacry et al. Comm. Math. Phys.236 (2003) 449–475]. If M is a non degenerate multifractal measure with associated metric ρ(x,y) = M([x,y]) and structure function ζ, we show that we have the following relation between the (Euclidian) Hausdorff dimension dimH of a measurable set K and the Hausdorff dimension dimHρ with respect to ρ of the same set: ζ(dimHρ(K)) = dimH(K). Our results can...