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Further pseudodifferential operators generating Feller semigroups and Dirichlet forms.

Niels Jacob (1993)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove for a large class of symmetric pseudo differential operators that they generate a Feller semigroup and therefore a Dirichlet form. Our construction uses the Yoshida-Hille-Ray Theorem and a priori estimates in anisotropic Sobolev spaces. Using these a priori estimates it is possible to obtain further information about the stochastic process associated with the Dirichlet form under consideration.

Further results on laws of large numbers for uncertain random variables

Feng Hu, Xiaoting Fu, Ziyi Qu, Zhaojun Zong (2023)


The uncertainty theory was founded by Baoding Liu to characterize uncertainty information represented by humans. Basing on uncertainty theory, Yuhan Liu created chance theory to describe the complex phenomenon, in which human uncertainty and random phenomenon coexist. In this paper, our aim is to derive some laws of large numbers (LLNs) for uncertain random variables. The first theorem proved the Etemadi type LLN for uncertain random variables being functions of pairwise independent and identically...

Further results on the generalized cumulative entropy

Antonio Di Crescenzo, Abdolsaeed Toomaj (2017)


Recently, a new concept of entropy called generalized cumulative entropy of order n was introduced and studied in the literature. It is related to the lower record values of a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables and with the concept of reversed relevation transform. In this paper, we provide some further results for the generalized cumulative entropy such as stochastic orders, bounds and characterization results. Moreover, some characterization results are derived...

Further study on complete convergence for weighted sums of arrays of rowwise asymptotically almost negatively associated random variables

Haiwu Huang, Hanjun Zhang, Qingxia Zhang, Jiangyan Peng (2015)


In this paper, the authors further studied the complete convergence for weighted sums of arrays of rowwise asymptotically almost negatively associated (AANA) random variables with non-identical distribution under some mild moment conditions. As an application, the Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund type strong law of large numbers for weighted sums of AANA random variables is obtained. The results not only generalize the corresponding ones of Wang et al. [19], but also partially improve the corresponding ones...

Fuzzification of crisp domains

Roman Frič, Martin Papčo (2010)


The present paper is devoted to the transition from crisp domains of probability to fuzzy domains of probability. First, we start with a simple transportation problem and present its solution. The solution has a probabilistic interpretation and it illustrates the transition from classical random variables to fuzzy random variables in the sense of Gudder and Bugajski. Second, we analyse the process of fuzzification of classical crisp domains of probability within the category I D of D -posets of fuzzy...

Fuzzy Markov chains: uncertain probabilities.

James J. Buckley, Esfandiar Eslami (2002)

Mathware and Soft Computing

We consider finite Markov chains where there are uncertainties in some of the transition probabilities. These uncertainties are modeled by fuzzy numbers. Using a restricted fuzzy matrix multiplication we investigate the properties of regular, and absorbing, fuzzy Markov chains and show that the basic properties of these classical Markov chains generalize to fuzzy Markov chains.

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