Displaying 181 – 200 of 209

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Functional central limit theorems for seeds in a linear birth and growth model

A. Dziwisz, W. Szczotka (2016)

Applicationes Mathematicae

A problem of heredity of mixing properties (α-mixing, β-mixing and ρ-mixing) from a stationary point process on ℝ × ℝ₊ to a sequence of some of its points called 'seeds' is considered. Next, using the mixing properties, several versions of functional central limit theorems for the distances between seeds and the process of the number of seeds are obtained.

Functional inequalities and uniqueness of the Gibbs measure — from log-Sobolev to Poincaré

Pierre-André Zitt (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In a statistical mechanics model with unbounded spins, we prove uniqueness of the Gibbs measure under various assumptions on finite volume functional inequalities. We follow Royer's approach (Royer, 1999) and obtain uniqueness by showing convergence properties of a Glauber-Langevin dynamics. The result was known when the measures on the box [-n,n]d (with free boundary conditions) satisfied the same logarithmic Sobolev inequality. We generalize this in two directions: either the constants may be...

Functional inequalities for discrete gradients and application to the geometric distribution

Aldéric Joulin, Nicolas Privault (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We present several functional inequalities for finite difference gradients, such as a Cheeger inequality, Poincaré and (modified) logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, associated deviation estimates, and an exponential integrability property. In the particular case of the geometric distribution on we use an integration by parts formula to compute the optimal isoperimetric and Poincaré constants, and to obtain an improvement of our general logarithmic Sobolev inequality. By a...

Functional inequalities for discrete gradients and application to the geometric distribution

Aldéric Joulin, Nicolas Privault (2004)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We present several functional inequalities for finite difference gradients, such as a Cheeger inequality, Poincaré and (modified) logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, associated deviation estimates, and an exponential integrability property. In the particular case of the geometric distribution on we use an integration by parts formula to compute the optimal isoperimetric and Poincaré constants, and to obtain an improvement of our general logarithmic Sobolev inequality. By a limiting procedure we...

Functional Space C (ω), C 0 (ω)

Katuhiko Kanazashi, Hiroyuki Okazaki, Yasunari Shidama (2012)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article, first we give a definition of a functional space which is constructed from all complex-valued continuous functions defined on a compact topological space. We prove that this functional space is a Banach algebra. Next, we give a definition of a function space which is constructed from all complex-valued continuous functions with bounded support. We also prove that this function space is a complex normed space.

Functionals of spatial point processes having a density with respect to the Poisson process

Viktor Beneš, Markéta Zikmundová (2014)


U -statistics of spatial point processes given by a density with respect to a Poisson process are investigated. In the first half of the paper general relations are derived for the moments of the functionals using kernels from the Wiener-Itô chaos expansion. In the second half we obtain more explicit results for a system of U -statistics of some parametric models in stochastic geometry. In the logarithmic form functionals are connected to Gibbs models. There is an inequality between moments of Poisson...

Functionals on transient stochastic processes with independent increments

K. Urbanik (1992)

Studia Mathematica

The paper is devoted to the study of integral functionals ʃ 0 f ( X ( t , ω ) ) d t for a wide class of functions f and transient stochastic processes X(t,ω) with stationary and independent increments. In particular, for nonnegative processes a random analogue of the Tauberian theorem is obtained.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 209