Displaying 281 – 300 of 472

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Limit Theorems for Regenerative Excursion Processes

Mitov, Kosto (1999)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

This work is supported by Bulgarian NFSI, grant No. MM–704/97The regenerative excursion process Z(t), t = 0, 1, 2, . . . is constructed by two independent sequences X = {Xi , i ≥ 1} and Z = {Ti , (Zi (t), 0 ≤ t < Ti ), i ≥ 1}. For the embedded alternating renewal process, with interarrival times Xi – the time for the installation and Ti – the time for the work, are proved some limit theorems for the spent worktime and the residual worktime, when at least one of the means of Xi and Ti is infinite. ...

Limit theorems for some functionals with heavy tails of a discrete time Markov chain

Patrick Cattiaux, Mawaki Manou-Abi (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Consider an irreducible, aperiodic and positive recurrent discrete time Markov chain (Xn,n ≥ 0) with invariant distribution μ. We shall investigate the long time behaviour of some functionals of the chain, in particular the additive functional S n = i = 1 n f ( X i ) S n = ∑ i = 1 n f ( X i ) for a possibly non square integrable functionf. To this end we shall link ergodic properties of the chain to mixing properties, extending known results in the continuous time case. We will then use existing results of convergence...

Limit theorems for stationary Markov processes with L2-spectral gap

Déborah Ferré, Loïc Hervé, James Ledoux (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let ( X t , Y t ) t 𝕋 be a discrete or continuous-time Markov process with state space 𝕏 × d where 𝕏 is an arbitrary measurable set. Its transition semigroup is assumed to be additive with respect to the second component, i.e. ( X t , Y t ) t 𝕋 is assumed to be a Markov additive process. In particular, this implies that the first component ( X t ) t 𝕋 is also a Markov process. Markov random walks or additive functionals of a Markov process are special instances of Markov additive processes. In this paper, the process ( Y t ) t 𝕋 is shown to satisfy the...

Limit theorems for stochastic recursions with Markov dependent coefficients

Dariusz Buraczewski, Małgorzata Letachowicz (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider the stochastic recursion X = A X n - 1 + B for Markov dependent coefficients (Aₙ,Bₙ) ∈ ℝ⁺ × ℝ. We prove the central limit theorem, the local limit theorem and the renewal theorem for the partial sums Sₙ = X₁+ ⋯ + Xₙ.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 472