Displaying 421 – 440 of 721

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The renormalization transformation for two-type branching models

D. A. Dawson, A. Greven, F. den Hollander, Rongfeng Sun, J. M. Swart (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This paper studies countable systems of linearly and hierarchically interacting diffusions taking values in the positive quadrant. These systems arise in population dynamics for two types of individuals migrating between and interacting within colonies. Their large-scale space–time behavior can be studied by means of a renormalization program. This program, which has been carried out successfully in a number of other cases (mostly one-dimensional), is based on the construction and the analysis of...

The Rényi distances of Gaussian measures

Jiří Michálek (1999)


The author in the paper evaluates the Rényi distances between two Gaussian measures using properties of nuclear operators and expresses the formula for the asymptotic rate of the Rényi distances of stationary Gaussian measures by the corresponding spectral density functions in a general case.

The right tail exponent of the Tracy–Widom β distribution

Laure Dumaz, Bálint Virág (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

The Tracy–Widom β distribution is the large dimensional limit of the top eigenvalue of β random matrix ensembles. We use the stochastic Airy operator representation to show that as a the tail of the Tracy–Widom distribution satisfies P ( 𝑇𝑊 β g t ; a ) = a - ( 3 / 4 ) β + o ( 1 ) exp - 2 3 β a 3 / 2 .

The risk-sensitive Poisson equation for a communicating Markov chain on a denumerable state space

Rolando Cavazos-Cadena (2009)


This work concerns a discrete-time Markov chain with time-invariant transition mechanism and denumerable state space, which is endowed with a nonnegative cost function with finite support. The performance of the chain is measured by the (long-run) risk-sensitive average cost and, assuming that the state space is communicating, the existence of a solution to the risk-sensitive Poisson equation is established, a result that holds even for transient chains. Also, a sufficient criterion ensuring that...

The scaling limits of a heavy tailed Markov renewal process

Julien Sohier (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In this paper we consider heavy tailed Markov renewal processes and we prove that, suitably renormalised, they converge in law towards the α -stable regenerative set. We then apply these results to the strip wetting model which is a random walk S constrained above a wall and rewarded or penalized when it hits the strip [ 0 , ) × [ 0 , a ] where a is a given positive number. The convergence result that we establish allows to characterize the scaling limit of this process at criticality.

The set of probability distribution solutions of a linear functional equation

Janusz Morawiec, Ludwig Reich (2008)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let (Ω,,P) be a probability space and let τ: ℝ×Ω → ℝ be a function which is strictly increasing and continuous with respect to the first variable, measurable with respect to the second variable. Given the set of all continuous probability distribution solutions of the equation F ( x ) = Ω F ( τ ( x , ω ) ) d P ( ω ) we determine the set of all its probability distribution solutions.

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 721