Displaying 441 – 460 of 662

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Contrôle dynamique de flux dans un système d'attente avec panne

A. Haqiq, N. Mikou (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We consider two parallel M/M/1 queues. The server at one of the queues is subject to intermittent breakdowns. By the theory of dynamic programming, we determine a threshold optimal policy which consists to transfer, when it is necessary, the customers that arrive at the first queue towards the second queue in order to minimize an instantaneous cost depending of the two queue lengths.

Controllability of nonlinear impulsive Ito type stochastic systems

Rathinasamy Sakthivel (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this article, we consider finite dimensional dynamical control systems described by nonlinear impulsive Ito type stochastic integrodifferential equations. Necessary and sufficient conditions for complete controllability of nonlinear impulsive stochastic systems are formulated and proved under the natural assumption that the corresponding linear system is appropriately controllable. A fixed point approach is employed for achieving the required result.

Controllability of semilinear stochastic integrodifferential systems

Krishnan Balachandran, S. Karthikeyan, Jeong-Hoon Kim (2007)


In this paper we study the approximate and complete controllability of stochastic integrodifferential system in finite dimensional spaces. Sufficient conditions are established for each of these types of controllability. The results are obtained by using the Picard iteration technique.

Controllability of three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations and applications

Armen Shirikyan (2005/2006)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

We formulate two results on controllability properties of the 3D Navier–Stokes (NS) system. They concern the approximate controllability and exact controllability in finite-dimensional projections of the problem in question. As a consequence, we obtain the existence of a strong solution of the Cauchy problem for the 3D NS system with an arbitrary initial function and a large class of right-hand sides. We also discuss some qualitative properties of admissible weak solutions for randomly forced NS...

Controlling the stochastic sensitivity in thermochemical systems under incomplete information

Irina Bashkirtseva (2018)


Complex dynamic regimes connected with the noise-induced mixed-mode oscillations in the thermochemical model of flow reactor are studied. It is revealed that the underlying reason of such excitability is in the high stochastic sensitivity of the equilibrium. The problem of stabilization of the excitable equilibrium regimes is investigated. We develop the control approach using feedback regulators which reduce the stochastic sensitivity and keep the randomly forced system near the stable equilibrium....

Convergence analysis for asymmetric Deffuant-Weisbuch model

Jiangbo Zhang (2014)


In this paper, we investigate the convergence behavior of the asymmetric Deffuant-Weisbuch (DW) models during the opinion evolution. Based on the convergence of the asymmetric DW model that generalizes the conventional DW model, we first propose a new concept, the separation time, to study the transient behavior during the DW model's opinion evolution. Then we provide an upper bound of the expected separation time with the help of stochastic analysis. Finally, we show relations of the separation...

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 662