Temps local et superchamp
We study the relations between simetrization by a limiting process of probabilities and functions defined on a metric compacy product space and their ergodic properties.
We investigate Voronoi-like tessellations of bipartite quadrangulations on surfaces of arbitrary genus, by using a natural generalization of a bijection of Marcus and Schaeffer allowing one to encode such structures by labeled maps with a fixed number of faces. We investigate the scaling limits of the latter. Applications include asymptotic enumeration results for quadrangulations, and typical metric properties of randomly sampled quadrangulations. In particular, we show that scaling limits of these...
The paper concentrates on modeling the data that can be described by a homogeneous or non-homogeneous Poisson process. The goal is to decide whether the intensity of the process is constant or not. In technical practice, e.g., it means to decide whether the reliability of the system remains the same or if it is improving or deteriorating. We assume two situations. First, when only the counts of events are known and, second, when the times between the events are available. Several statistical tests...
Aggregation patterns are often visually detected in sets of location data. These clusters may be the result of interesting dynamics or the effect of pure randomness. We build an asymptotically Gaussian test for the hypothesis of randomness corresponding to a homogeneous Poisson point process. We first compute the exact first and second moment of the Ripley K-statistic under the homogeneous Poisson point process model. Then we prove the asymptotic normality of a vector of such statistics for different...
Alon and Yuster give for independent identically distributed real or vector valued random variables X, Y combinatorially proved estimates of the form Prob(∥X − Y∥ ≤ b) ≤ c Prob(∥X − Y∥ ≤ a). We derive these using copositive matrices instead. By the same method we also give estimates for the real valued case, involving X + Y and X − Y, due to Siegmund-Schultze and von Weizsäcker as generalized by Dong, Li and Li. Furthermore, we formulate a version of the above inequalities as an integral inequality...