Displaying 121 – 140 of 490

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Equations in differentials in the algebra of generalized stochastic processes

Nadzeya V. Bedziuk, Aleh L. Yablonski (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We consider an ordinary or stochastic nonlinear equation with generalized coefficients as an equation in differentials in the algebra of new generalized functions in the sense of [8]. Consequently, the solution of such an equation is a new generalized function. We formulate conditions under which the solution of a given equation in the algebra of new generalized functions is associated with an ordinary function or process. Moreover the class of all possible associated functions and processes is...

Equazione stocastica di dinamica di popolazioni di tipo preda-predatore

Sonia Chessa, Hisao Fujita Yashima (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si considera l'equazione stocastica che modellizza la dinamica di popolazioni di due specie di tipo preda-predatore sotto perturbazioni stocastiche. Si dimostrano in primo luogo l'esistenza e l'unicità della soluzione dell'equazione; per questo è essenziale introdurre una funzione ausiliaria con cui si costruiscono soluzioni approssimate. Si dimostra inoltre che, se non sono presenti perturbazioni stocastiche dovute alla stocasticità demografica, ma solo perturbazioni stocastiche rappresentanti...

Equilibrium states for the Landau-Fermi-Dirac equation

Véronique Bagland, Mohammed Lemou (2004)

Banach Center Publications

A kinetic collision operator of Landau type for Fermi-Dirac particles is considered. Equilibrium states are rigorously determined under minimal assumptions on the distribution function of the particles. The particular structure of the considered operator (strong non-linearity and degeneracy) requires a special investigation compared to the classical Boltzmann or Landau operator.

Equivalence of compositional expressions and independence relations in compositional models

Francesco M. Malvestuto (2014)


We generalize Jiroušek’s (right) composition operator in such a way that it can be applied to distribution functions with values in a “semifield“, and introduce (parenthesized) compositional expressions, which in some sense generalize Jiroušek’s “generating sequences” of compositional models. We say that two compositional expressions are equivalent if their evaluations always produce the same results whenever they are defined. Our first result is that a set system is star-like with centre X if...

Equivalent cost functionals and stochastic linear quadratic optimal control problems

Zhiyong Yu (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper is concerned with the stochastic linear quadratic optimal control problems (LQ problems, for short) for which the coefficients are allowed to be random and the cost functionals are allowed to have negative weights on the square of control variables. We propose a new method, the equivalent cost functional method, to deal with the LQ problems. Comparing to the classical methods, the new method is simple, flexible and non-abstract. The new method can also be applied to deal with nonlinear...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 490