Displaying 141 – 160 of 490

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Equivalent or absolutely continuous probability measures with given marginals

Patrizia Berti, Luca Pratelli, Pietro Rigo, Fabio Spizzichino (2015)

Dependence Modeling

Let (X,A) and (Y,B) be measurable spaces. Supposewe are given a probability α on A, a probability β on B and a probability μ on the product σ-field A ⊗ B. Is there a probability ν on A⊗B, with marginals α and β, such that ν ≪ μ or ν ~ μ ? Such a ν, provided it exists, may be useful with regard to equivalent martingale measures and mass transportation. Various conditions for the existence of ν are provided, distinguishing ν ≪ μ from ν ~ μ.

Ergodic averages with deterministic weights

Fabien Durand, Dominique Schneider (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the convergence of the ergodic averages 1 N k = 0 N - 1 θ ( k ) f T u k where ( θ ( k ) ) k is a bounded sequence and ( u k ) k a strictly increasing sequence of integers such that Sup α | k = 0 N - 1 θ ( k ) exp ( 2 i π α u k ) | = O ( N δ ) for some δ < 1 . Moreover we give explicit such sequences θ and u and we investigate in particular the case where θ is a q -multiplicative sequence.

Ergodic behaviour of “signed voter models”

G. Maillard, T. S. Mountford (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We answer some questions raised by Gantert, Löwe and Steif (Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat.41(2005) 767–780) concerning “signed” voter models on locally finite graphs. These are voter model like processes with the difference that the edges are considered to be either positive or negative. If an edge between a site x and a site y is negative (respectively positive) the site y will contribute towards the flip rate of x if and only if the two current spin values are equal (respectively opposed)....

Ergodic behaviour of stochastic parabolic equations

Jan Seidler (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The ergodic behaviour of homogeneous strong Feller irreducible Markov processes in Banach spaces is studied; in particular, existence and uniqueness of finite and σ -finite invariant measures are considered. The results obtained are applied to solutions of stochastic parabolic equations.

Ergodic control of linear stochastic equations in a Hilbert space with fractional Brownian motion

Tyrone E. Duncan, B. Maslowski, B. Pasik-Duncan (2015)

Banach Center Publications

A linear-quadratic control problem with an infinite time horizon for some infinite dimensional controlled stochastic differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion is formulated and solved. The feedback form of the optimal control and the optimal cost are given explicitly. The optimal control is the sum of the well known linear feedback control for the associated infinite dimensional deterministic linear-quadratic control problem and a suitable prediction of the adjoint optimal system...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 490