Displaying 141 – 160 of 255

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On homogenization of space-time dependent and degenerate random flows II

Rémi Rhodes (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study the long time behavior (homogenization) of a diffusion in random medium with time and space dependent coefficients. The diffusion coefficient may degenerate. In Stochastic Process. Appl. (2007) (to appear), an invariance principle is proved for the critical rescaling of the diffusion. Here, we generalize this approach to diffusions whose space-time scaling differs from the critical one.

On non-ergodic versions of limit theorems

Dalibor Volný (1989)

Aplikace matematiky

The author investigates non ergodic versions of several well known limit theorems for strictly stationary processes. In some cases, the assumptions which are given with respect to general invariant measure, guarantee the validity of the theorem with respect to ergodic components of the measure. In other cases, the limit theorem can fail for all ergodic components, while for the original invariant measure it holds.

On the minimizing point of the incorrectly centered empirical process and its limit distribution in nonregular experiments

Dietmar Ferger (2005)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let F n be the empirical distribution function (df) pertaining to independent random variables with continuous df F . We investigate the minimizing point τ ^ n of the empirical process F n - F 0 , where F 0 is another df which differs from F . If F and F 0 are locally Hölder-continuous of order α at a point τ our main result states that n 1 / α ( τ ^ n - τ ) converges in distribution. The limit variable is the almost sure unique minimizing point of a two-sided time-transformed homogeneous Poisson-process with a drift. The time-transformation...

On the minimizing point of the incorrectly centered empirical process and its limit distribution in nonregular experiments

Dietmar Ferger (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let Fn be the empirical distribution function (df) pertaining to independent random variables with continuous df F. We investigate the minimizing point τ ^ n of the empirical process Fn - F0, where F0 is another df which differs from F. If F and F0 are locally Hölder-continuous of order α at a point τ our main result states that n 1 / α ( τ ^ n - τ ) converges in distribution. The limit variable is the almost sure unique minimizing point of a two-sided time-transformed homogeneous Poisson-process with a drift. The time-transformation...

On the rate of convergence in the weak invariance principle for dependent random variables with applications to Markov chains

Ion Grama, Émile Le Page, Marc Peigné (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove an invariance principle for non-stationary random processes and establish a rate of convergence under a new type of mixing condition. The dependence is exponentially decaying in the gap between the past and the future and is controlled by an assumption on the characteristic function of the finite-dimensional increments of the process. The distinctive feature of the new mixing condition is that the dependence increases exponentially in the dimension of the increments. The proposed mixing...

Ordered random walks.

Eichelsbacher, Peter, König, Wolfgang (2008)

Electronic Journal of Probability [electronic only]

Penalisations of multidimensional Brownian motion, VI

Bernard Roynette, Pierre Vallois, Marc Yor (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

As in preceding papers in which we studied the limits of penalized 1-dimensional Wiener measures with certain functionals Γt, we obtain here the existence of the limit, as t → ∞, of d-dimensional Wiener measures penalized by a function of the maximum up to time t of the Brownian winding process (for d = 2), or in {d}≥ 2 dimensions for Brownian motion prevented to exit a cone before time t. Various extensions of these multidimensional penalisations are studied, and the limit laws are described....

Plug-in estimators for higher-order transition densities in autoregression

Anton Schick, Wolfgang Wefelmeyer (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we obtain root-n consistency and functional central limit theorems in weighted L1-spaces for plug-in estimators of the two-step transition density in the classical stationary linear autoregressive model of order one, assuming essentially only that the innovation density has bounded variation. We also show that plugging in a properly weighted residual-based kernel estimator for the unknown innovation density improves on plugging in an unweighted residual-based kernel estimator....

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 255