Displaying 241 – 260 of 469

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Sparsity in penalized empirical risk minimization

Vladimir Koltchinskii (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let (X, Y) be a random couple in S×T with unknown distribution P. Let (X1, Y1), …, (Xn, Yn) be i.i.d. copies of (X, Y), Pn being their empirical distribution. Let h1, …, hN:S↦[−1, 1] be a dictionary consisting of N functions. For λ∈ℝN, denote fλ:=∑j=1Nλjhj. Let ℓ:T×ℝ↦ℝ be a given loss function, which is convex with respect to the second variable. Denote (ℓ•f)(x, y):=ℓ(y; f(x)). We study the following penalized empirical risk minimization problem λ ^ ε : = argmin λ N P n ( f λ ) + ε λ p p , which is an empirical version of the problem λ ε : = argmin λ N P ( f λ ) + ε λ p p (hereɛ≥0...

Spatial prediction of the mark of a location-dependent marked point process: How the use of a parametric model may improve prediction

Tomáš Mrkvička, François Goreaud, Joël Chadoeuf (2011)


We discuss the prediction of a spatial variable of a multivariate mark composed of both dependent and explanatory variables. The marks are location-dependent and they are attached to a point process. We assume that the marks are assigned independently, conditionally on an unknown underlying parametric field. We compare (i) the classical non-parametric Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator based on the dependent variable (ii) estimators obtained under an assumption of local parametric model where explanatory...

Spatial structure analysis using planar indices.

José Miguel Albert, Jorge Mateu, J. C. Pernías (2000)


Spatial planar indices have become a useful tool to analyze patterns of points. Despite that, no simulation study has been reported in literature in order to analyze the behaviour of these quantities under different pattern structures. We present here an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study focused on two important indices: the Index of Dispersion and the Index of Cluster Size, usually used to detect lack of homogeneity in a spatial point model. Finally, an application is also presented.

Spatially adaptive density estimation by localised Haar projections

Florian Gach, Richard Nickl, Vladimir Spokoiny (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Given a random sample from some unknown density f 0 : [ 0 , ) we devise Haar wavelet estimators for f 0 with variable resolution levels constructed from localised test procedures (as in Lepski, Mammen and Spokoiny (Ann. Statist.25(1997) 927–947)). We show that these estimators satisfy an oracle inequality that adapts to heterogeneous smoothness of f 0 , simultaneously for every point x in a fixed interval, in sup-norm loss. The thresholding constants involved in the test procedures can be chosen in practice under...

Spatio-temporal modelling of a Cox point process sampled by a curve, filtering and Inference

Blažena Frcalová, Viktor Beneš (2009)


The paper deals with Cox point processes in time and space with Lévy based driving intensity. Using the generating functional, formulas for theoretical characteristics are available. Because of potential applications in biology a Cox process sampled by a curve is discussed in detail. The filtering of the driving intensity based on observed point process events is developed in space and time for a parametric model with a background driving compound Poisson field delimited by special test sets. A...

Spectral density estimation for stationary stable random fields

Rachid Sabre (1995)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider a stationary symmetric stable bidimensional process with discrete time, having the spectral representation (1.1). We consider a general case where the spectral measure is assumed to be the sum of an absolutely continuous measure, a discrete measure of finite order and a finite number of absolutely continuous measures on several lines. We estimate the density of the absolutely continuous measure and the density on the lines.

Spectrum of randomly sampled multivariate ARMA models

Amina Kadi (1998)


The paper is devoted to the spectrum of multivariate randomly sampled autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models. We determine precisely the spectrum numerator coefficients of the randomly sampled ARMA models. We give results when the non-zero poles of the initial ARMA model are simple. We first prove the results when the probability generating function of the random sampling law is injective, then we precise the results when it is not injective.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 469