Displaying 21 – 40 of 70

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Filtering of signals transmitted in multichannel from Chandrasekhar and Riccati recursions.

S. Nakamori, A. Hermoso, J. Jiménez, J. Linares (2005)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this paper two recursive algorithms are proposed and compared as a solution of the least mean-squared error linear filtering problem of a wide-sense stationary scalar signal from uncertain observations perturbed by white and coloured additive noises. Considering that the state-space model of the signal is not available and that the variables modelling the uncertainty are not independent, the proposed algorithms are derived by using covariance information. The difference between both algorithms...

Filtering the Wright-Fisher diffusion

Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Valentine Genon-Catalot (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider a Wright-Fisher diffusion (x(t)) whose current state cannot be observed directly. Instead, at times t1 < t2 < ..., the observations y(ti) are such that, given the process (x(t)), the random variables (y(ti)) are independent and the conditional distribution of y(ti) only depends on x(ti). When this conditional distribution has a specific form, we prove that the model ((x(ti),y(ti)), i≥1) is a computable filter in the sense that all distributions involved in filtering, prediction...

Finiteness results for Abelian tree models

Jan Draisma, Rob H. Eggermont (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Equivariant tree models are statistical models used in the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from genetic data. Here equivariant§ refers to a symmetry group imposed on the root distribution and on the transition matrices in the model. We prove that if that symmetry group is Abelian, then the Zariski closures of these models are defined by polynomial equations of bounded degree, independent of the tree. Moreover, we show that there exists a polynomial-time membership test for that Zariski closure....

Fitting a linear regression model by combining least squares and least absolute value estimation.

Sira Allende, Carlos Bouza, Isidro Romero (1995)


Robust estimation of the multiple regression is modeled by using a convex combination of Least Squares and Least Absolute Value criterions. A Bicriterion Parametric algorithm is developed for computing the corresponding estimates. The proposed procedure should be specially useful when outliers are expected. Its behavior is analyzed using some examples.

Fixed precision optimal allocation in two-stage sampling

Wojciech Niemiro, Jacek Wesołowski (2001)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Two-stage sampling schemes arise in survey sampling, especially in situations when the complete update of the frame is difficult. In this paper we solve the problem of fixed precision optimal allocation in two special two-stage sampling schemes. The solution is based on reducing the original question to an eigenvalue problem and then using the Perron-Frobenius theorem.

Fixed-α and fixed-β efficiencies

Christopher S. Withers, Saralees Nadarajah (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Consider testing H0 : F ∈ ω0 against H1 : F ∈ ω1 for a random sample X1, ..., Xn from F, where ω0 and ω1 are two disjoint sets of cdfs on ℝ = (−∞, ∞). Two non-local types of efficiencies, referred to as the fixed-α and fixed-β efficiencies, are introduced for this two-hypothesis testing situation. Theoretical tools are developed to evaluate these efficiencies for some of the most usual goodness of fit tests (including the Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests). Numerical comparisons are provided using several...

Forecasting time series with multivariate copulas

Clarence Simard, Bruno Rémillard (2015)

Dependence Modeling

In this paper we present a forecasting method for time series using copula-based models for multivariate time series. We study how the performance of the predictions evolves when changing the strength of the different possible dependencies, as well as the structure of the dependence. We also look at the impact of the marginal distributions. The impact of estimation errors on the performance of the predictions is also considered. In all the experiments, we compare predictions from our multivariate...

Formalisation and methods of analysis of the fast xenobiotic mass transfer in the body

Volodymir G. Zinkovsky, Olga V. Zhuk, Michał Teodorczyk, Natalia Karpinchik (2009)

Applicationes Mathematicae

A novel discrimination and regression method for a quantitative determination of the relative efficiency of "fast" distribution processes of xenobiotics is discussed. An integral model-independent method for estimation of equilibrium tissue-to-plasma partition ratios is proposed.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 70