Displaying 501 – 520 of 838

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Almost unbiased ratio and product-type estimators in systematic sampling.

R. Singh, H. P. Singh (1998)


In this paper we have suggested almost unbiased ratio-type and product-type estimators for estimating the population mean Y of the study variate y using information on an auxiliary variate x in systematic sampling. The variance expressions of the suggested estimators have been obtained and compared with usual unbiased estimator y*, Swain's (1964) ratio estimator y*R and Shukla's product estimator y*p. It has been shown that the proposed estimators are more efficient than usual unbiased estimator...

An adaptive method of estimation and outlier detection in regression applicable for small to moderate sample sizes

Brenton R. Clarke (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

In small to moderate sample sizes it is important to make use of all the data when there are no outliers, for reasons of efficiency. It is equally important to guard against the possibility that there may be single or multiple outliers which can have disastrous effects on normal theory least squares estimation and inference. The purpose of this paper is to describe and illustrate the use of an adaptive regression estimation algorithm which can be used to highlight outliers, either single or multiple...

An admissible estimator of a lower-bounded scale parameter under squared-log error loss function

Eisa Mahmoudi, Hojatollah Zakerzadeh (2011)


Estimation in truncated parameter space is one of the most important features in statistical inference, because the frequently used criterion of unbiasedness is useless, since no unbiased estimator exists in general. So, other optimally criteria such as admissibility and minimaxity have to be looked for among others. In this paper we consider a subclass of the exponential families of distributions. Bayes estimator of a lower-bounded scale parameter, under the squared-log error loss function with...

An alternating minimization algorithm for Factor Analysis

Valentina Ciccone, Augusto Ferrante, Mattia Zorzi (2019)


The problem of decomposing a given covariance matrix as the sum of a positive semi-definite matrix of given rank and a positive semi-definite diagonal matrix, is considered. We present a projection-type algorithm to address this problem. This algorithm appears to perform extremely well and is extremely fast even when the given covariance matrix has a very large dimension. The effectiveness of the algorithm is assessed through simulation studies and by applications to three real benchmark datasets...

An alternative analysis of variance.

Nicholas T. Longford (2008)


The one-way analysis of variance is a staple of elementary statistics courses. The hypothesis test of homogeneity of the means encourages the use of the selected-model based estimators which are usually assessed without any regard for the uncertainty about the outcome of the test. We expose the weaknesses of such estimators when the uncertainty is taken into account, as it should be, and propose synthetic estimators as an alternative.

An alternative approach to bonus malus

Gracinda Rita Guerreiro, João Tiago Mexia (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Under the assumptions of an open portfolio, i.e., considering that a policyholder can transfer his policy to another insurance company and the continuous arrival of new policyholders into a portfolio which can be placed into any of the bonus classes and not only in the "starting class", we developed a model (Stochastic Vortices Model) to estimate the Long Run Distribution for a Bonus Malus System. These hypothesis render the model quite representative of the reality. With the obtained Long Run Distribution,...

An alternative extension of the k-means algorithm for clustering categorical data

Ohn San, Van-Nam Huynh, Yoshiteru Nakamori (2004)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Most of the earlier work on clustering has mainly been focused on numerical data whose inherent geometric properties can be exploited to naturally define distance functions between data points. Recently, the problem of clustering categorical data has started drawing interest. However, the computational cost makes most of the previous algorithms unacceptable for clustering very large databases. The -means algorithm is well known for its efficiency in this respect. At the same time, working only on...

Currently displaying 501 – 520 of 838