Displaying 101 – 120 of 656

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On construction of confidence intervals for a mean of dependent data

Jan Ćwik, Jan Mielniczuk (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

In the report, the performance of several methods of constructing confidence intervals for a mean of stationary sequence is investigated using extensive simulation study. The studied approaches are sample reuse block methods which do not resort to bootstrap. It turns out that the performance of some known methods strongly depends on a model under consideration and on whether a two-sided or one-sided interval is used. Among the methods studied, the block method based on weak convergence result by...

On continuous convergence and epi-convergence of random functions. Part I: Theory and relations

Silvia Vogel, Petr Lachout (2003)


Continuous convergence and epi-convergence of sequences of random functions are crucial assumptions if mathematical programming problems are approximated on the basis of estimates or via sampling. The paper investigates “almost surely” and “in probability” versions of these convergence notions in more detail. Part I of the paper presents definitions and theoretical results and Part II is focused on sufficient conditions which apply to many models for statistical estimation and stochastic optimization....

On continuous convergence and epi-convergence of random functions. Part II: Sufficient conditions and applications

Silvia Vogel, Petr Lachout (2003)


Part II of the paper aims at providing conditions which may serve as a bridge between existing stability assertions and asymptotic results in probability theory and statistics. Special emphasis is put on functions that are expectations with respect to random probability measures. Discontinuous integrands are also taken into account. The results are illustrated applying them to functions that represent probabilities.

On copulas that generalize semilinear copulas

Juan Fernández Sánchez, Manuel Úbeda-Flores (2012)


We study a wide class of copulas which generalizes well-known families of copulas, such as the semilinear copulas. We also study corresponding results for the case of quasi-copulas.

On cumulative process model and its statistical analysis

Petr Volf (2000)


The notion of the counting process is recalled and the idea of the ‘cumulative’ process is presented. While the counting process describes the sequence of events, by the cumulative process we understand a stochastic process which cumulates random increments at random moments. It is described by an intensity of the random (counting) process of these moments and by a distribution of increments. We derive the martingale – compensator decomposition of the process and then we study the estimator of the...

On decision-making in possibility theory

Jiřina Vejnarová (2015)


We present an alternative approach to decision-making in the framework of possibility theory, based on the idea of decision-making under uncertainty. We utilize the fact, that any possibility distribution can be viewed as an upper envelope of a set of probability distributions to which well-known minimax principle is applicable. Finally, we recall also an alternative to the minimax rule, so-called local minimax principle. Local minimax principle not only allows sequential construction of decision...

On discrete Fourier analysis of amplitude and phase modulated signals

Waldemar Popiński (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

In this work the problem of characterization of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) spectrum of an original complex-valued signal o t , t=0,1,...,n-1, modulated by random fluctuations of its amplitude and/or phase is investigated. It is assumed that the amplitude and/or phase of the signal at discrete times of observation are distorted by realizations of uncorrelated random variables or randomly permuted sequences of complex numbers. We derive the expected values and bounds on the variances of such...

On discrete Fourier spectrum of a harmonic with random frequency modulation

Waldemar Popiński (2013)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Asymptotic properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform spectrum of a complex monochromatic oscillation with frequency randomly distorted at the observation times t=0,1,..., n-1 by a series of independent and identically distributed fluctuations is investigated. It is proved that the second moments of the spectrum at the discrete Fourier frequencies converge uniformly to zero as n → ∞ for certain frequency fluctuation distributions. The observed effect occurs even for frequency fluctuations with...

On distribution of waiting time for the first failure followed by a limited length success run

Czesław Stępniak (2013)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Many doctors believe that a patient will survive a heart attack unless a succeeding attack occurs in a week. Treating heart attacks as failures in Bernoulli trials we reduce the lifetime after a heart attack to the waiting time for the first failure followed by a success run shorter than a given k. In order to test the "true" critical period of the lifetime we need its distribution. The probability mass function and cumulative distribution function of the waiting time are expressed in explicit and...

On distributions of order statistics for absolutely continuous copulas with applications to reliability

Piotr Jaworski, Tomasz Rychlik (2008)


Performance of coherent reliability systems is strongly connected with distributions of order statistics of failure times of components. A crucial assumption here is that the distributions of possibly mutually dependent lifetimes of components are exchangeable and jointly absolutely continuous. Assuming absolute continuity of marginals, we focus on properties of respective copulas and characterize the marginal distribution functions of order statistics that may correspond to absolute continuous...

On Dwass' method for deriving the distribution of rank order statistics

B. R. Handa, Sri Gopal Mohanty (1979)

Aplikace matematiky

This note presents a critical examination of Dwass' method for obtaining the distribution of rank order statistics defined on random samples obtained from the same continuous population. New situations are discussed for the usefulness of the method.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 656