Displaying 361 – 380 of 759

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Some results on convergence acceleration for the E-algorithm

A. Fdil (1997)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Some new results on convergence acceleration for the E-algorithm which is a general extrapolation method are obtained. A technique for avoiding numerical instability is proposed. Some applications are given. Theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments

Some results on semilinear systems on the unbounded space R3.

J. M. Mercier (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study in this paper some systems, using standard tools devoted to the analysis of semilinear elliptic problems on R3. These systems do not admit any non trivial radial solutions in the E1 E2 = + 1 cases. A first type of solution consists in a ground state of R (-1,-1), exhibited by variational arguments, whose structure is a finite energy perturbation of a non trivial constant solution of R (-1,-1). A second type consists in a radial, oscillating, asymptotically null at infinity solution in the...

Some superconvergence results of high-degree finite element method for a second order elliptic equation with variable coefficients

Xiaofei Guan, Mingxia Li, Wenming He, Zhengwu Jiang (2014)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, some superconvergence results of high-degree finite element method are obtained for solving a second order elliptic equation with variable coefficients on the inner locally symmetric mesh with respect to a point x 0 for triangular meshes. By using of the weak estimates and local symmetric technique, we obtain improved discretization errors of O(h p+1 |ln h|2) and O(h p+2 |ln h|2) when p (≥ 3) is odd and p (≥ 4) is even, respectively. Meanwhile, the results show that the combination...

Some theorems on the stability of numerical processes

Solomon G. Mikhlin (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Nell’articolo si dimostrano alcuni teoremi sulla stabilità dei processi numerici di Ritz e della collocazione in rapporto agli errori di «distorsione».

Some tracks in air pollution modelling and simulation.

Bruno Sportisse, Jaouad Boutahar, Edouard Debry, Denis Quélo, Karine Sartelet (2002)


In this article we discuss some issues related to Air Pollution modelling (as viewed by the authors): subgrid parametrization, multiphase modelling, reduction of high dimensional models and data assimilation. Numerical applications are given with POLAIR, a 3D numerical platform devoted to modelling of atmospheric trace species.

Some variants of the method of fundamental solutions: regularization using radial and nearly radial basis functions

Csaba Gáspár (2013)

Open Mathematics

The method of fundamental solutions and some versions applied to mixed boundary value problems are considered. Several strategies are outlined to avoid the problems due to the singularity of the fundamental solutions: the use of higher order fundamental solutions, and the use of nearly fundamental solutions and special fundamental solutions concentrated on lines instead of points. The errors of the approximations as well as the problem of ill-conditioned matrices are illustrated via numerical examples....

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 759