Source terms identification for time fractional diffusion equation.
Numerical experiments in J. Maubach: Local bisection refinement and optimal order algebraic multilevel preconditioners, PRISM-97 conference Proceedings, 1977, 121–136 indicated that the refinement with the use of local bisections presented in J. Maubach: Local bisection refinement for -simplicial grids generated by reflections, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 16 (1995), 210–227 leads to highly locally refined computational 2-meshes which can be very efficiently load-balanced with the use of a space-filling...
We present a new class of self-adaptive higher-order finite element methods (-FEM) which are free of analytical error estimates and thus work equally well for virtually all PDE problems ranging from simple linear elliptic equations to complex time-dependent nonlinear multiphysics coupled problems. The methods do not contain any tuning parameters and work reliably with both low- and high-order finite elements. The methodology was used to solve various types of problems including thermoelasticity,...
The paper presents the theory of the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the space-time discretization of a linear nonstationary convection-diffusion-reaction initial-boundary value problem. The discontinuous Galerkin method is applied separately in space and time using, in general, different nonconforming space grids on different time levels and different polynomial degrees and in space and time discretization, respectively. In the space discretization the nonsymmetric interior...
The paper is concerned with the application of the space-time discontinuous Galerkin method (STDGM) to the numerical solution of the interaction of a compressible flow and an elastic structure. The flow is described by the system of compressible Navier-Stokes equations written in the conservative form. They are coupled with the dynamic elasticity system of equations describing the deformation of the elastic body, induced by the aerodynamical force on the interface between the gas and the elastic...
The numerical approximation of parametric partial differential equations is a computational challenge, in particular when the number of involved parameter is large. This paper considers a model class of second order, linear, parametric, elliptic PDEs on a bounded domain D with diffusion coefficients depending on the parameters in an affine manner. For such models, it was shown in [9, 10] that under very weak assumptions on the diffusion coefficients, the entire family of solutions to such equations...
This course gives an introduction to the design of efficient datatypes for adaptive wavelet-based applications. It presents some code fragments and benchmark technics useful to learn about the design of sparse data structures and adaptive algorithms. Material and practical examples are given, and they provide good introduction for anyone involved in the development of adaptive applications. An answer will be given to the question: how to implement and efficiently use the discrete wavelet transform...
We develop the analysis of stabilized sparse tensor-product finite element methods for high-dimensional, non-self-adjoint and possibly degenerate second-order partial differential equations of the form , , where is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix, using piecewise polynomials of degree p ≥ 1. Our convergence analysis is based on new high-dimensional approximation results in sparse tensor-product spaces. We show that the error between the analytical solution u and its stabilized sparse...
Let be a strongly elliptic operator on a -dimensional manifold (polyhedra or boundaries of polyhedra are also allowed). An operator equation with stochastic data is considered. The goal of the computation is the mean field and higher moments , , , of the solution. We discretize the mean field problem using a FEM with hierarchical basis and degrees of freedom. We present a Monte-Carlo algorithm and a deterministic algorithm for the approximation of the moment for . The key tool...
We present a sparse grid/hyperbolic cross discretization for many-particle problems. It involves the tensor product of a one-particle multilevel basis. Subsequent truncation of the associated series expansion then results in a sparse grid discretization. Here, depending on the norms involved, different variants of sparse grid techniques for many-particle spaces can be derived that, in the best case, result in complexities and error estimates which are independent of the number of particles. Furthermore...
We use the scale of Besov spaces , 1/τ = α/d + 1/p, α > 0, p fixed, to study the spatial regularity of solutions of linear parabolic stochastic partial differential equations on bounded Lipschitz domains ⊂ ℝ. The Besov smoothness determines the order of convergence that can be achieved by nonlinear approximation schemes. The proofs are based on a combination of weighted Sobolev estimates and characterizations of Besov spaces by wavelet expansions.
We discuss the prediction of a spatial variable of a multivariate mark composed of both dependent and explanatory variables. The marks are location-dependent and they are attached to a point process. We assume that the marks are assigned independently, conditionally on an unknown underlying parametric field. We compare (i) the classical non-parametric Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator based on the dependent variable (ii) estimators obtained under an assumption of local parametric model where explanatory...
In this paper, we investigate the complex dynamics of a spatial plankton-fish system with Holling type III functional responses. We have carried out the analytical study for both one and two dimensional system in details and found out a condition for diffusive instability of a locally stable equilibrium. Furthermore, we present a theoretical analysis of processes of pattern formation that involves organism distribution and their interaction of spatially...
MSC 2010: 33C47, 42C05, 41A55, 65D30, 65D32In the first part of this survey paper we present a short account on some important properties of orthogonal polynomials on the real line, including computational methods for constructing coefficients in the fundamental three-term recurrence relation for orthogonal polynomials, and mention some basic facts on Gaussian quadrature rules. In the second part we discuss our Mathematica package Orthogonal Polynomials (see [2]) and show some applications to problems...