Displaying 61 – 80 of 362

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Matrix rank certification.

Saunders, B. David, Storjohann, Arne, Villard, Gilles (2004)

ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]

Matrix triangulation of hypoelliptic boundary value problems

R. A. Artino, J. Barros-Neto (1992)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Given a hypoelliptic boundary value problem on ω × [ 0 , T ) with ω an open set in R n , ( n > 1 ) , we show by matrix triangulation how to reduce it to two uncoupled first order systems, and how to estimate the eigenvalues of the corresponding matrices. Parametrices for the first order systems are constructed. We then characterize hypoellipticity up to the boundary in terms of the Calderon operator corresponding to the boundary value problem.

Maximal solutions of two–sided linear systems in max–min algebra

Pavel Krbálek, Alena Pozdílková (2010)


Max-min algebra and its various aspects have been intensively studied by many authors [1, 4] because of its applicability to various areas, such as fuzzy system, knowledge management and others. Binary operations of addition and multiplication of real numbers used in classical linear algebra are replaced in max-min algebra by operations of maximum and minimum. We consider two-sided systems of max-min linear equations A x = B x , with given coefficient matrices A and B . We present a polynomial method for...

Maximization of distances of regular polygons on a circle

Filip Guldan (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper presents the solution of a basic problem defined by J. Černý which solves a concrete everyday problem in railway and road transport (the problem of optimization of time-tables by some criteria).

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 362