Displaying 141 – 160 of 566

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Compartmental Models of Migratory Dynamics

J. Knisley, T. Schmickl, I. Karsai (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Compartmentalization is a general principle in biological systems which is observable on all size scales, ranging from organelles inside of cells, cells in histology, and up to the level of groups, herds, swarms, meta-populations, and populations. Compartmental models are often used to model such phenomena, but such models can be both highly nonlinear and difficult to work with.Fortunately, there are many significant biological systems that are amenable to linear compartmental models which are often...

Complementarity - the way towards guaranteed error estimates

Vejchodský, Tomáš (2010)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

This paper presents a review of the complementary technique with the emphasis on computable and guaranteed upper bounds of the approximation error. For simplicity, the approach is described on a numerical solution of the Poisson problem. We derive the complementary error bounds, prove their fundamental properties, present the method of hypercircle, mention possible generalizations and show a couple of numerical examples.

Complete solution of tropical vector inequalities using matrix sparsification

Nikolai Krivulin (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

We examine the problem of finding all solutions of two-sided vector inequalities given in the tropical algebra setting, where the unknown vector multiplied by known matrices appears on both sides of the inequality. We offer a solution that uses sparse matrices to simplify the problem and to construct a family of solution sets, each defined by a sparse matrix obtained from one of the given matrices by setting some of its entries to zero. All solutions are then combined to present the result in a...

Complexity issues for the symmetric interval eigenvalue problem

Milan Hladík (2015)

Open Mathematics

We study the problem of computing the maximal and minimal possible eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix when the matrix entries vary within compact intervals. In particular, we focus on computational complexity of determining these extremal eigenvalues with some approximation error. Besides the classical absolute and relative approximation errors, which turn out not to be suitable for this problem, we adapt a less known one related to the relative error, and also propose a novel approximation error....

Complexity of an algorithm for solving saddle-point systems with singular blocks arising in wavelet-Galerkin discretizations

Radek Kučera (2005)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with fast solving of large saddle-point systems arising in wavelet-Galerkin discretizations of separable elliptic PDEs. The periodized orthonormal compactly supported wavelets of the tensor product type together with the fictitious domain method are used. A special structure of matrices makes it possible to utilize the fast Fourier transform that determines the complexity of the algorithm. Numerical experiments confirm theoretical results.

Complexity of computing interval matrix powers for special classes of matrices

David Hartman, Milan Hladík (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

Computing powers of interval matrices is a computationally hard problem. Indeed, it is NP-hard even when the exponent is 3 and the matrices only have interval components in one row and one column. Motivated by this result, we consider special types of interval matrices where the interval components occupy specific positions. We show that computing the third power of matrices with only one column occupied by interval components can be solved in cubic time; so the asymptotic time complexity is the...

Complexity of the method of averaging

Dalík, Josef (2010)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The general method of averaging for the superapproximation of an arbitrary partial derivative of a smooth function in a vertex a of a simplicial triangulation 𝒯 of a bounded polytopic domain in d for any d 2 is described and its complexity is analysed.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 566