Displaying 81 – 100 of 133

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Modelling the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Complex Metapopulations

J. Saldaña (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Two main approaches have been considered for modelling the dynamics of the SIS model on complex metapopulations, i.e, networks of populations connected by migratory flows whose configurations are described in terms of the connectivity distribution of nodes (patches) and the conditional probabilities of connections among classes of nodes sharing the same degree. In the first approach migration and transmission/recovery process alternate sequentially,...

Modelling Tuberculosis and Hepatitis B Co-infections

S. Bowong, J. Kurths (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death among individuals infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The study of the joint dynamics of HBV and TB present formidable mathematical challenges due to the fact that the models of transmission are quite distinct. We formulate and analyze a deterministic mathematical model which incorporates of the co-dynamics of hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Two sub-models, namely: HBV-only and TB-only sub-models...

Numerical analysis of parallel replica dynamics

Gideon Simpson, Mitchell Luskin (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Parallel replica dynamics is a method for accelerating the computation of processes characterized by a sequence of infrequent events. In this work, the processes are governed by the overdamped Langevin equation. Such processes spend much of their time about the minima of the underlying potential, occasionally transitioning into different basins of attraction. The essential idea of parallel replica dynamics is that the exit distribution from a given well for a single process can be approximated by...

Numerical model of a pine in a wind

Jan Korbelář, Drahoslava Janovská (1999)

Applications of Mathematics

Steady-state nonlinear differential equations govering the stem curve of a wind-loaded pine are derived and solved numerically. Comparison is made between the results computed and the data from photographs of a pine stem during strong wind. The pine breaking is solved at the end.

Numerical solution of a stochastic model of a ball-type vibration absorber

Fischer, Cyril, Náprstek, Jiří (2021)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The mathematical model of a ball-type vibration absorber represents a non-linear differential system which includes non-holonomic constraints. When a random ambient excitation is taken into account, the system has to be treated as a stochastic deferential equation. Depending on the level of simplification, an analytical solution is not practicable and numerical solution procedures have to be applied. The contribution presents a simple stochastic analysis of a particular resonance effect which can...

Numerical study of the stopping of aura during migraine

C. Pocci, A. Moussa, F. Hubert, G. Chapuisat (2010)

ESAIM: Proceedings

This work is devoted to the study of migraine with aura in the human brain. Following [6], we class migraine as a propagation of a wave of depolarization through the cells. The mathematical model used, based on a reaction-diffusion equation, is briefly presented. The equation is considered in a duct containing a bend, in order to model one of the numerous circumvolutions of the brain. For a wide set of parameters, one can establish the existence...

On EM algorithms and their proximal generalizations

Stéphane Chrétien, Alfred O. Hero (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper, we analyze the celebrated EM algorithm from the point of view of proximal point algorithms. More precisely, we study a new type of generalization of the EM procedure introduced in [Chretien and Hero (1998)] and called Kullback-proximal algorithms. The proximal framework allows us to prove new results concerning the cluster points. An essential contribution is a detailed analysis of the case where some cluster points lie on the boundary of the parameter space.

On the convergence of SCF algorithms for the Hartree-Fock equations

Eric Cancès, Claude Le Bris (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The present work is a mathematical analysis of two algorithms, namely the Roothaan and the level-shifting algorithms, commonly used in practice to solve the Hartree-Fock equations. The level-shifting algorithm is proved to be well-posed and to converge provided the shift parameter is large enough. On the contrary, cases when the Roothaan algorithm is not well defined or fails in converging are exhibited. These mathematical results are confronted to numerical experiments performed by chemists.

On the discretization in time of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

Jacques Printems (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We first generalize, in an abstract framework, results on the order of convergence of a semi-discretization in time by an implicit Euler scheme of a stochastic parabolic equation. In this part, all the coefficients are globally Lipchitz. The case when the nonlinearity is only locally Lipchitz is then treated. For the sake of simplicity, we restrict our attention to the Burgers equation. We are not able in this case to compute a pathwise order of the approximation, we introduce the weaker notion...

On the discretization in time of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

Jacques Printems (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We first generalize, in an abstract framework, results on the order of convergence of a semi-discretization in time by an implicit Euler scheme of a stochastic parabolic equation. In this part, all the coefficients are globally Lipchitz. The case when the nonlinearity is only locally Lipchitz is then treated. For the sake of simplicity, we restrict our attention to the Burgers equation. We are not able in this case to compute a pathwise order of the approximation, we introduce the weaker notion...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 133