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Convergent algorithms suitable for the solution of the semiconductor device equations

Miroslav Pospíšek (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, two algorithms are proposed to solve systems of algebraic equations generated by a discretization procedure of the weak formulation of boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear elliptic equations. The first algorithm, Newton-CG-MG, is suitable for systems with gradient mappings, while the second, Newton-CE-MG, can be applied to more general systems. Convergence theorems are proved and application to the semiconductor device modelling is described.

Discrete evolutions: Convergence and applications

Erich Bohl, Johannes Schropp (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

We prove a convergence result for a time discrete process of the form x ( t + h ) - x ( t ) = h V ( h , x ( t + α 1 ( t ) h ) , . . . , x ( t + α L ( t ) h ) ) t = T + j h , j = 0 , . . . , σ ( h ) - 1 under weak conditions on the function V . This result is a slight generalization of the convergence result given in [5].Furthermore, we discuss applications to minimizing problems, boundary value problems and systems of nonlinear equations.

Efficient inexact Newton-like methods with application to problems of the deformation theory of plasticity

Radim Blaheta, Roman Kohut (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

Newton-like methods are considered with inexact correction computed by some inner iterative method. Composite iterative methods of this type are applied to the solution of nonlinear systems arising from the solution of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems. Two main quastions are studied in this paper: the convergence of the inexact Newton-like methods and the efficient control of accuracy in computation of the inexact correction. Numerical experiments show the efficiency of the suggested composite...

Epsilon-inflation with contractive interval functions

Günter Mayer (1998)

Applications of Mathematics

For contractive interval functions [ g ] we show that [ g ] ( [ x ] ϵ k 0 ) ( [ x ] ϵ k 0 ) results from the iterative process [ x ] k + 1 : = [ g ] ( [ x ] ϵ k ) after finitely many iterations if one uses the epsilon-inflated vector [ x ] ϵ k as input for [ g ] instead of the original output vector [ x ] k . Applying Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, zeros of various mathematical problems can be verified in this way.

Extending the applicability of Newton's method using nondiscrete induction

Ioannis K. Argyros, Saïd Hilout (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We extend the applicability of Newton's method for approximating a solution of a nonlinear operator equation in a Banach space setting using nondiscrete mathematical induction concept introduced by Potra and Pták. We obtain new sufficient convergence conditions for Newton's method using Lipschitz and center-Lipschitz conditions instead of only the Lipschitz condition used in F. A. Potra, V. Pták, Sharp error bounds for Newton's process, Numer. Math., 34 (1980), 63–72, and F. A. Potra, V. Pták, Nondiscrete...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 303