Displaying 61 – 80 of 227

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On path integration on noncommutative geometries

Achim Kempf (1997)

Banach Center Publications

We discuss a recent approach to quantum field theoretical path integration on noncommutative geometries which imply UV/IR regularising finite minimal uncertainties in positions and/or momenta. One class of such noncommutative geometries arise as `momentum spaces' over curved spaces, for which we can now give the full set of commutation relations in coordinate free form, based on the Synge world function.

On phase segregation in nonlocal two-particle Hartree systems

Walter Aschbacher, Marco Squassina (2009)

Open Mathematics

We prove the phase segregation phenomenon to occur in the ground state solutions of an interacting system of two self-coupled repulsive Hartree equations for large nonlinear and nonlocal interactions. A self-consistent numerical investigation visualizes the approach to this segregated regime.

On quantum weyl algebras and generalized quons

WŁadysŁaw Marcinek (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The model of generalized quons is described in an algebraic way as certain quasiparticle states with statistics determined by a commutation factor on an abelian group. Quantization is described in terms of quantum Weyl algebras. The corresponding commutation relations and scalar product are also given.

On quasijet bundles

Tomáš, Jiří (2000)

Proceedings of the 19th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

In this paper a Weil approach to quasijets is discussed. For given manifolds M and N , a quasijet with source x M and target y N is a mapping T x r M T y r N which is a vector homomorphism for each one of the r vector bundle structures of the iterated tangent bundle T r [A. Dekrét, Casopis Pest. Mat. 111, No. 4, 345-352 (1986; Zbl 0611.58004)]. Let us denote by Q J r ( M , N ) the bundle of quasijets from M to N ; the space J ˜ r ( M , N ) of non-holonomic r -jets from M to N is embeded into Q J r ( M , N ) . On the other hand, the bundle Q T m r N of ( m , r ) -quasivelocities...

On sectioning multiples of the nontrivial line bundle over Grassmannians

Horanská, Ľubomíra (1998)

Proceedings of the 17th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Let G n , k ( G ˜ n , k ) denote the Grassmann manifold of linear k -spaces (resp. oriented k -spaces) in n , d n , k = k ( n - k ) = dim G n , k and suppose n 2 k . As an easy consequence of the Steenrod obstruction theory, one sees that ( d n , k + 1 ) -fold Whitney sum ( d n , k + 1 ) ξ n , k of the nontrivial line bundle ξ n , k over G n , k always has a nowhere vanishing section. The author deals with the following question: What is the least s ( = s n , k ) such that the vector bundle s ξ n , k admits a nowhere vanishing section ? Obviously, s n , k d n , k + 1 , and for the special case in which k = 1 , it is known that s n , 1 = d n , 1 + 1 . Using results...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 227