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On geodesic mappings of special Finsler spaces

Bácsó, Sándor (1999)

Proceedings of the 18th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The author previously studied with F. Ilosvay and B. Kis [Publ. Math. 42, 139-144 (1993; Zbl 0796.53022)] the diffeomorphisms between two Finsler spaces F n = ( M n , L ) and F ¯ n = ( M n , L ¯ ) which map the geodesics of F n to geodesics of F ¯ n (geodesic mappings).Now, he investigates the geodesic mappings between a Finsler space F n and a Riemannian space ¯ n . The main result of this paper is as follows: if F n is of constant curvature K and the mapping F n ¯ n is a strongly geodesic mapping then K = 0 or K 0 and L ¯ = e ϕ ( x ) L .

On interval homogeneous orthomodular lattices

Anna de Simone, Mirko Navara, Pavel Pták (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

An orthomodular lattice L is said to be interval homogeneous (resp. centrally interval homogeneous) if it is σ -complete and satisfies the following property: Whenever L is isomorphic to an interval, [ a , b ] , in L then L is isomorphic to each interval [ c , d ] with c a and d b (resp. the same condition as above only under the assumption that all elements a , b , c , d are central in L ). Let us denote by Inthom (resp. Inthom c ) the class of all interval homogeneous orthomodular lattices (resp. centrally interval homogeneous...

On joint distribution in quantum logics. I. Compatible observables

Anatolij Dvurečenskij (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

The notion of a joint distribution in σ -finite measures of observables of a quantum logic defined on some system of σ -independent Boolean sub- σ -algebras of a Boolean σ -algebra is studied. In the present first part of the paper the author studies a joint distribution of compatible observables. It is shown that it may exists, although a joint obsevable of compatible observables need not exist.

On joint distribution in quantum logics. II. Noncompatible observables

Anatolij Dvurečenskij (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper i a continuation of the first part under the same title. The author studies a joint distribution in σ -finite measures for noncompatible observables of a quantum logic defined on some system of σ -independent Boolean sub- σ -algebras of a Boolean σ -algebra. We present some necessary and sufficient conditions fot the existence of a joint distribution. In particular, it is shown that an arbitrary system of obsevables has a joint distribution in a measure iff it may be embedded into a system...

On m -sectorial Schrödinger-type operators with singular potentials on manifolds of bounded geometry

Ognjen Milatovic (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider a Schrödinger-type differential expression H V = * + V , where is a C -bounded Hermitian connection on a Hermitian vector bundle E of bounded geometry over a manifold of bounded geometry ( M , g ) with metric g and positive C -bounded measure d μ , and V is a locally integrable section of the bundle of endomorphisms of E . We give a sufficient condition for m -sectoriality of a realization of H V in L 2 ( E ) . In the proof we use generalized Kato’s inequality as well as a result on the positivity of u L 2 ( M ) satisfying the...

On mean value in F -quantum spaces

Beloslav Riečan (1990)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with a new mathematical model for quantum mechanics based on the fuzzy set theory [1]. The indefinite integral of observables is defined and some basic properties of the integral are examined.

On multivortex solutions in Chern-Simons gauge theory

Michael Struwe, Gabriella Tarantello (1998)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Motivati dall'analisi asintotica dei vortici nella teoria di Chern-Simons-Higgs, si studia l'equazione - Δ u = λ e u Ω e u d x - 1 Ω , u H 1 Ω dove Ω = R 2 / Z 2 é il toro piatto bidimensionale. In contrasto con l'analogo problema di Dirichlet, si dimostra che per λ 8 π , 4 π 2 l'equazione ammette una soluzione non banale. Tale soluzione cattura il carattere bidimensionale dell'equazione, nel senso che, per tali valori di λ , l'equazione non può ammettere soluzioni (periodiche) non banali dipendenti da una sola variabile (vedi [10]).

On nodal sets and nodal domains on S 2 and 2

Alexandre Eremenko, Dmitry Jakobson, Nikolai Nadirashvili (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We discuss possible topological configurations of nodal sets, in particular the number of their components, for spherical harmonics on S 2 . We also construct a solution of the equation Δ u = u in 2 that has only two nodal domains. This equation arises in the study of high energy eigenfunctions.

On non-overdetermined inverse scattering at zero energy in three dimensions

Roman G. Novikov (2006)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We develop the ¯ -approach to inverse scattering at zero energy in dimensions d 3 of [Beals, Coifman 1985], [Henkin, Novikov 1987] and [Novikov 2002]. As a result we give, in particular, uniqueness theorem, precise reconstruction procedure, stability estimate and approximate reconstruction for the problem of finding a sufficiently small potential v in the Schrödinger equation from a fixed non-overdetermined (“backscattering” type) restriction h | Γ of the Faddeev generalized scattering amplitude h in the...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 227