Displaying 1161 – 1180 of 1376

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The atomic and molecular nature of matter.

Charles L. Fefferman (1985)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The purpose of this article is to show that electrons and protons, interacting by Coulomb forces and governed by quantum statistical mechanics at suitable temperature and density, form a gas of Hydrogen atoms or molecules.

The Child–Langmuir limit for semiconductors : a numerical validation

María-José Cáceres, José-Antonio Carrillo, Pierre Degond (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The Boltzmann–Poisson system modeling the electron flow in semiconductors is used to discuss the validity of the Child–Langmuir asymptotics. The scattering kernel is approximated by a simple relaxation time operator. The Child–Langmuir limit gives an approximation of the current-voltage characteristic curves by means of a scaling procedure in which the ballistic velocity is much larger that the thermal one. We discuss the validity of the Child–Langmuir regime by performing detailed numerical comparisons...

The Child–Langmuir limit for semiconductors: a numerical validation

María-José Cáceres, José-Antonio Carrillo, Pierre Degond (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The Boltzmann–Poisson system modeling the electron flow in semiconductors is used to discuss the validity of the Child–Langmuir asymptotics. The scattering kernel is approximated by a simple relaxation time operator. The Child–Langmuir limit gives an approximation of the current-voltage characteristic curves by means of a scaling procedure in which the ballistic velocity is much larger that the thermal one. We discuss the validity of the Child–Langmuir regime by performing detailed numerical...

The continuous Coupled Cluster formulation for the electronic Schrödinger equation

Thorsten Rohwedder (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Nowadays, the Coupled Cluster (CC) method is the probably most widely used high precision method for the solution of the main equation of electronic structure calculation, the stationary electronic Schrödinger equation. Traditionally, the equations of CC are formulated as a nonlinear approximation of a Galerkin solution of the electronic Schrödinger equation, i.e. within a given discrete subspace. Unfortunately, this concept prohibits the direct application of concepts of nonlinear numerical analysis...

The discrete-time parabolic Anderson model with heavy-tailed potential

Francesco Caravenna, Philippe Carmona, Nicolas Pétrélis (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider a discrete-time version of the parabolic Anderson model. This may be described as a model for a directed ( 1 + d ) -dimensional polymer interacting with a random potential, which is constant in the deterministic direction and i.i.d. in the d orthogonal directions. The potential at each site is a positive random variable with a polynomial tail at infinity. We show that, as the size of the system diverges, the polymer extremity is localized almost surely at one single point which grows ballistically....

The dynamics of a levitated cylindrical permanent magnet above a superconductor.

Michael Schreiner (2003)

Revista Matemática Complutense

When a permanent magnet is released above a superconductor, it is levitated. This is due to the Meissner-effect, i.e. the repulsion of external magnetic fields within the superconductor. In experiments, an interesting behavior of the levitated magnet can be observed: it might start to oscillate with increasing amplitude and some magnets even reach a continuous rotation. In this paper we develop a mathematical model for this effect and identify by analytical methods as well with finite element simulations...

The entropy principle: from continuum mechanics to hyperbolic systems of balance laws

Tommaso Ruggeri (2005)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We discuss the different roles of the entropy principle in modern thermodynamics. We start with the approach of rational thermodynamics in which the entropy principle becomes a selection rule for physical constitutive equations. Then we discuss the entropy principle for selecting admissible discontinuous weak solutions and to symmetrize general systems of hyperbolic balance laws. A particular attention is given on the local and global well-posedness of the relative Cauchy problem for smooth solutions....

Currently displaying 1161 – 1180 of 1376